
Tell Fox News and Laura Ingraham about how well boycotts work.

Takes on to know one.


Not mentioned here, is the current rumors that with this collapse NK lost a large majority of its Nuclear Scientists and that it has likely set back research and development by nearly a decade.

Best of all though, we will almost certainly get to hear non stop bolivating from a sentient cheeto, who will claim he has

So basically you are ok with impacting the millions of employees that do agree with your politics in order to shun the one guy with more than enough money to weather any little storm that’s brewed up by this?

Seems logical.

Thats an essay to you?
Man no wonder you fail at reading comprehension. Maybe you should spend a bit more time behind a book, instead of a controller. Seems you aren’t doing yourself any favors.
Took me all of maybe 10 minutes to type all that out while I was bored at work btw, so no waist of time on my end.

Also Ill

Are you still on here trying to claim that your opinion is law, and continuing to fail hard at reading comprehension?

Look kiddo, complex shooters were a thing in the late 90s-00s. Complex hit-box based games were then dethroned by the nonsense shootem in the toe for a kill COD & clones. COD has been dethroned for now

Says you... When will you people understand that your opinions are just that, YOUR OPINION. They are not law, they are not inherently right because you believe them to be truth.

Now back to the point. To start off, I did specifically state that it should be a seperate game model. You know so you would have a choice

You mean, like the hit player would maybe hobble with said damage, forcing the strategy for that player to change due to a decrease in movement speed. Sounds fun to me, add a hardcore mode to the game and let those that want that kind of damage model play in there.

The Robot looks cool enough to me. It is for the most part practical effects with the exception of its true form (you’ll see).

The only part I did not like, is due to the practical effects of a man in a suit. The building out of the middle torso specifically the hips, to give the robot a larger look, causes problems

He’s from not the south.

Hole in the wall is always the best.
You just know that their skillet ain’t never been cleaned. Its got at least 20 years of grease baked right into it.

You mean pretty much any restaurant outside of Louisiana, and maybe a few areas next door along the gulf coast?

This is a very important but underrecognized aspect of soul food. Southern cuisine uses vegetable or canola oil whenever a dish requires frying. But to be considered soul food, it must be fried in grease that someone saved from the last time you made the dish.

Na, Im much more likely to call you a cunt if you upset me. Though Im not supposed to use that word either.

Wait does that mean I finally fall into the 1% of something?

I think what you meant to say was “Hallmark just made your next Raspberry Pi case.”

I have several Dell workhorse laptops from this period still running just fine. Like you I replaced the HDD with SSD and upgraded the memory.
Hell I even have them running Win10.

Why are we still having a stupid fanboy discussion that faded into obscurity before our old laptops were even constructed?

Ill just leave this right here.
Seems appropriate.

How do you keep up your energy?

Yeah, we ain’t talking about this” is a card that could stand to be played more often. 

This kind of thing is never going to change as long as the police force investigates itself. Full fucking stop!

Personally I feel that every incident where a citizen is murdered/killed should be handled exactly the same. Every single incident should go to trial, and the facts should be judged via a body of peers.