
Great article!!! I thought I was going to have to come in here and bitch because of the headline, but it was just click bait... Damn you Giz, Ill admit Im a sucker for it.

Even if it doesn't make the glasses cool in your opinion, it sure as hell did make this companies tech conference more exciting than some others.

Is it odd that I start with the index finger on my right hand for 1, but then use my thumb on my left for 6?

HOGWASH!!! As phor11 states you can still do this without manipulating the framework of the OS in a significant manner that slows updates.

" This rent-a-server platform is something that doesn't really affect John Q. Consumer, as it's aimed primarily at enterprise developers. Booooring."

You're on Sprint aren't you.... You poor bastard.

For the love of all things Geeky, please, oh please let the codenames for the Nexus 7 devices be Rachael (16gb) and Deckard (32gb). Please Google, make this happen.

Not everyone does...

What is the biggest problem holding Google TV back?

Please supply the figures to back this up... I see more people with higher end Android phones. PS the Nexus S could be had for $99 to FREE at the beginning of the year on Sprint, so that argument is also faulty. It also glosses over the fact that not ALL pure android devices are Nexus products.

Yea, but I did so with tact... there is a difference.

No offence but you COMPLETELY missed the point I was making. I do not want all phones to be Pure Android. I do not mind at all that manufactures create a different aesthetic to the UX. I DO MIND the fact that they do so by changing the framework in such a way that pushes updates back. ICS is clean and useful and a

There are quite a few Pure Google devices that are NOT Nexus phones...

Considering Motorola controls a good deal of that market, I am still waiting to see GTV tightly integrated with a set-top box direct from the cable co's.

How can you make a claim that I am not allowing you to have an opinion, just because I gave you mine?

Sorry this is a bit off topic...

Its really no worse than the "me too" argument.

Considering Google just recently made the Galaxy Nexus GSM available for $400 on their store, Id say its not that unlikely. The Galaxy Nexus GSM and 4g was previously selling for $700 unlocked, which shows that Google is willing to take a hit on the hardware to get the product into users hands, where they will quickly

Tether? Am I the only person that ALWAYS has my phone with me? Am I the only person that refuses to pay my provider another fee per month?