
Well to start with your comparison of the Xbox, you should remember that the Xbox entered a market that was COMPLETELY DOMINATED by Sony. Sony rested on its laurels (paralleled with Apple at present) and MS came in swinging. Im not saying that this WILL happen in the Tablet arena but, it is a very real possibility if

Sorry but 16x9 and to a lesser degree 16x10 have become the de facto standard for almost ALL displays outside of Apple.

Im not going to jump in on either side of this argument, BUT.

I think you forgot to actually look at the original comment;

As the owner of both a Galaxy Nexus and an iPhone 4s, Id say make the jump. Once you get over the fact that all 70 of the apps you have installed are not cluttering up your desktop, there is not that much about the OS to learn. If you're really jonesing for that cluttered look, then give MIUI a try, it does iOS better

No add some sprinkles on that MFer, go and see if a copy of AOKP is available for it. If your not aware AOKP is like Cyanogen with every bell and whistle you could want... There is even a toggle for Swagger Mode, you know, just because there should be.

Sorry just needed to be posted.

Dont lie to this guy, we have never had cookies. We had cupcakes and donuts, but they're gone now. We do still have eclairs, froyo, gingerbread (wait I guess those are cookies) honeycomb, ice cream sandwiches and I heard someone will be here soon with jellybeans.

That would be a logical excuse if things such as Send and Discard were mislabeled in Gmail's "BETA".

Sorry but mistakes like that should be ironed out in Alpha stages. Most BETA's are considered "live" as well.

+Mother Fucking 1

That would be just like Apple to add in a bit of censorship... She is obviously not wearing a bra.

I use the G.Skill ram Truefire is refrencing and have had ZERO problems with it.

I just wanted to let you know how awesome your awesome comment was.

Why do you guys keep twisting what I am saying to make an opening for an argument or debate. Google Maps Dev team is NOT Google themselves and thus not as concerned about revenue streams.

Cant tell if this is sarcasm or not... if not check the bottom pic in the post. Their "3D" is just the Arial photography from a isometric view and NOT the 3D that some other maps are now boasting.

Yes I remember them saying that as well... just more competition, which is cool by me.

Calm down guy... it should be quite obvious that I was having a bit of a laugh at Brain's comment, which was obviously made to reference a "what if apple does it better" train of thought going through Google Maps collective dev team head.

"This is the part of the demo where everyone on Google's geo team breaks out the Pepcid."

Ill just use your own quote to explain DirtyHippy's comments on Apple.