
Not sure if that was sarcasm, or a Scott Redmond reference. Either way, here it is straight from some heavy hitters in the Google Android team themselves.

Im the same kind of person. In truth, on a modern android phone, there are not too many things that will chunk them out. Download 4-5 apps at the same time while trying to do something else is one of the few examples.

Just to let you know, Android will NEVER run as smooth as iOS. The reason for this is the same reason why iOS will never let you do as many things at once as Android does.

It would never happen here. If it magically did, Sam would surely not be the one to do it.

The single smartest post in this thread.

What are you talking about, photos uploaded via G+ show up in Picasa and vice verse.

As Android and Google+ progress, I have a feeling you will see more and more people make the jump. There is a good deal of bottom up integration for Google+ in Ice Cream Sandwich.

Sam have you lost all reasoning. There have already been reports of several of the major HDTV manufactures coming back into the Google fold and several have already been show behind closed doors.

Come on now, get your facts straight. Its a drone, so it obviously runs on Android!

The built in camera in all Standard build of Android (Google's build) have contrast and white balance settings built into them. The default is what we see above, I believe for the reasons beenyweenies states. You can tweek them to get better results.

I really dont get the need for more than 32 GB's of storage. Unless you are a road warrior and are out of your carriers coverage zone more than you are in it, there is truly no real need for it any longer. The majority of your storage is taken up by video, music and pictures. All of these can easily be streamed to

WRONG!!! They do this all the time. There is no law in place that stops the federal, state, or local government from purchasing information on its citizenry that is also made available for purchase to other private citizens and companies. The Government is not allowed to do the legwork themselves without a warrant..

So can we finally pass a law that makes it illegal for the US government to purchase information from companies on its citizenry, that they would normally need a court order to obtain?

The Android mascot is known as Andy the Android.

Thats good news...

This is still HTC... its now being investigated on other devices, by other users.

Because the code is all there for peer review... that's why. This is how open source works and why open source is a good thing.

To clear a few things up, since we know Jesus cant mention it without destroying the anti-android sentiment in the article. I have been waiting a few days to see how this would be distorted here.

Running any ROM based on AOSP will remove this "feature".

And why is that?