
Is it?

You need to run a logcat to see if the App has actually been stopped.

Its not sad at all!

Should I really have expected any thing else in this review, from the same guy that didn't even understand what the hell PLEX would do for GoogleTV? [gizmodo.com]

To everyone here stating that this is embarrassing or that Google failed on this one or what ever other shot you feel like taking; This is the same failure that ALL facial recognition software has when it uses a single camera.

Look if you want to hate on it, go ahead. I am happy with the service and as stated I am glad Apple pushed SIRI as that will only force Googles hand in the coming year. You are misrepresenting Googles service pretty grossly though.

Odd, I didnt know it was unfair comparison day?

Well it looks like you might not have used it in some time. It was quirky when it first dropped Ill give you that. I needed to speak slowly and break apart my words. Hell my moms barely still existing accent from Mississippi would cause it to fail.

You are aware that the Google voice recognition works in the same manner as Apples right? It needs a data connection and the voice, dialect, inflection, ect... are all captured and analyzed by Google server side. Its one of the reasons they are further out with respect to multilingual recognition as they have been at

Cool, looks like we are on the same page.

Good lord, your fanboy is showing.

Just wait until you wake up from your dream.

Google has been capturing natural speech since they launched for commands and the like on Android. Thats not to say it has been in the oven as long as SIRI has, but I would be willing to wager that Google library is much larger by now.

Google already has a voice to text search, its just not as robust as SIRI is with regard to deciphering natural speech into search engine lingo.

Googles adds are displayed EVERYWHERE on the net! Its not just the ones on display in a Google search result. Its also not made apparent how SIRI works. If the Apple servers for SIRI are using the voice-to-text and then doing a Google search on the server end, it may very well show as a hit to Googles displayed ads.

Googles adds are displayed EVERYWHERE on the net! Its not just the ones on display in a Google search result. Its also not made apparent how SIRI works. If the Apple servers for SIRI are using the voice-to-text and then doing a Google search on the server end, it may very well show as a hit to Googles displayed ads.


Its up...

Wait... Are you sure you are not me in an alternate dimension?

There has been a leaked build for some time now.