
Because there is always Apple bashing at events like this, just like there was Android basing at the iPhone4s reveal. Its also speculated that this event will coincide on or near his funeral date.

I think its much more likely this is out of respect for Steve Jobs passing.

Come on Kyle! All of the tech blogs I have visited recently have pulled down their fanboy flags and with good reason.

That war is long since over... We need an Android vs Apple cease fire. Not for just the day, or week, but forever...its just about as lame as the disrespectful assholes that are showing up in these comments.

Seriously TROLL go fuck yourself!!!

This just showed up in my G+ stream.

How did I know this was going to be said on here... I just finished telling the Android fanboys in my G+ circles NOT to say this very thing.

Im actually happy to see Siri as an Android users. Sure its been a feature in Android for some time, but Apple DID just raise the bar a bit in terms of usability. This should force Google to start updating a feature that they have let stagnate to some degree.

Really because they disproved that Android is less lucrative almost 2 years ago just based on Ad-Revenue. There are quite a few $5 and up apps in the market now that all sell quite well.

WOW! Sorry I didnt mean to offend you fanboy...

The newer app store on our phones is actually just hitting the tablet right now... while I think it works on the phone it works much better on aesthetically on a larger screen.

The usual Android Benefits are the Google services. Short of Music and Movies Googles does just about every other service better than Apple does. Since these Google services are baked right into the OS, its a better choice for Google users. The majority of us really do not need Apple for our Movies and Music, truth be

Come on now... Aren't we over this already?


I wonder how many of those Hotmail and Yahoo accounts are now used for nothing more then Junk E-Mail boxes. I know a lot of people that do this, techie and non-techie.

Well, if today is any sign of things to come Id say it might. I write for a tech blog, NOT this one, so I end up with a lot of people that are not known friends. As of today alone I have received 50+ (circle?) (friend) requests. I do know a good deal of this has to do with the new ability to share your circles with

Just came across this and thought Id post it to you... Things found lurking in the G+ code, ie what we will be seeing soon.

wrong reply

"There are more people using Yahoo Mail, Hotmail and AOL Main than GMail."

Says the guy named MacAttack... ;ºP