
Seriously how the hell do you have a star? Thats not only and ignorant statement, its trolling. Your little rant has very little to do with anything here, eve if it were true.

Shhh... No room for logic here.

I have something to add to your logic.

This was the single dumbest comment I have ever seen. Lets not even take into account your grammar, although we should if you want us to take you seriously.

Shhhhhhhh, Darrell. We are talking crap about Google, logic doesn't need to apply.

You guys on here are funny. Look at all this Apple love.

Except for the fact that it sets a precedence. Sure it might be from another country, but its still introduced into suit's elsewhere as evidence .

Welcome to the internet... Please know what you are talking about before you open your mouth.

Well I dont know if I totally agree. Sure my Atari didnt draw a big crowd, neither did my Nintendo. Buy the time I was in my teens and owed a Playstation, things started to change. The reason I play the games I play is STRICTLY born of competitiveness. Having an apartment of my own at 17 meant a lot of people hanging

OMG Gizmodo hates Google, I cant believe it.

Im 34 (thats a strange coincidence) so I did grow up during the birth of the console market and was still young enough to witness the death of the arcade.

Oh ok... Well then it really wouldn't matter for me. I guess Im finally getting old, I cant find a game on any system or console that can hold my attention now.

What do you feel is missing in Honeycomb app wise that is available on the iPad? This is not a sarcastic remark, Id honestly like to know.

Ohhh you were serious...

Ohh I see... if the code is sloppy then the phone needs to be physically bigger in size to hold it.

You don't know, you don't any indicators, so don't make assumptions.

BLA BLA BLA... Talk to me about masking problems in your life, when you get some real ones. High school problems pail in comparison. :ºP

So the first link you send me has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Further more its an intellectually dishonest debate point as no one here is arguing that operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated should be legalized.

The problem with your argument is that most of the products you have listed need to be tended to on a regular basis, thus making it a convenience to go to the store. Weed not so much.

It depends on the method of legalization. If its required to have a license to grow it AT ALL. Then yes your assumption would likely be correct. If it was legalized across the board, then it would be harder to sell a product that anyone could grow, almost anywhere.