
This just in: Teetotalers like to troll. They also dont provide any evidence of their arrogant stance.

Correct you are sir. You can also add this to your next discussion on the matter.

Your lack of research is showing.

What makes you think that If Amazon got a hold of it, there would be any difference, Amazon is after all already part of one of the mobile ecosystems. Even if there were four there is still a good chance of an oligarchy.

My Verizon Fios is almost never down.

Thats not really true at all. Most modern Android phones are more then capable of playing Hulu through flash. Hulu at present is blocking them.

I agree, it would be interesting to see what Matias Duarte would do with his old project, WebOS, and his current project, Android.

You seem to think that the patent system actually works with some type of honesty or integrity...

Im interested to see the size of the Prime be it a Nexus or not. Im thinking you could pretty much get a 5in screen inside a body only slightly bigger then a Nexus S if you do away with the buttons on the bottom (Ice Cream Sandwich) and make it a tiny bit wider.

That was my argument over at AndroidSpin when I wrote about this rumor.

Ha that's funny, it is the same Waffle House. It was kind of a cool shot in a creepy kind of way, Im not surprised someone else got it too.

WTH... It showed up just fine after I posted it.

No you are both right... the entire internet would post up 50 million words on how this is bad...

Just a quick revision to your statement...

This is a photo I took of the Waffle House in Gulfport Mississippi after Katrina hit.

I think you overlooked one important fact... Twitter only measures one or two demographics. Youth and young adult... For the most part it does not accurately measure the trends in a population as a whole and there for is no more reliable then Neilsons. This can be shown by the simple fact that the VMA's were the most

Am I the only one that thinks its funny that your comment has generated more comments then the post itself?

Im tired of beating this dead horse... hes already dog food.

spelling dont for get spelling...