
It’s baffling

Another Hollywood trailer of a musical where they do everything they can to not show the singing. 

Really tired of female protagonists being told that they need to control their emotions. It’s not even about feminism at this point, it’s just a tired, hacky trope. 

Oh yeah, definitely. Road trip movie with goofball Ken and Allan as the straight man.
It’s so obvious and perfect that they’ll never do it.

Amazing. Every word you just said is wrong.

I did, I asked for self checkout. It’s a lot easier than waiting in line to have to deal with a person doing something that a person does not need to do.

What’s also not needed are those highly choreographed fight scenes that seem to go on for eternity. The way they’re depicted, it seems so improbable that any part of these fights could go past 10-seconds before someone needs an ambulance. Are either one of these guys asking themselves, “Does this 8-minute fight

I feel like biopics are no less formulaic than House Hunters on HGTV, and this trailer doesn’t look like it’s gonna be straying from that biopic formula.

So you use it the same way I use stainless steel mixing bowls and you can get a set of various sizes for the same price as a hotel pan and it'll last just as long. 

I didn’t get the sense watching the last season that anything was unresolved. I’m sure the writers and producers had ideas, but I was satisfied with where Season 4 ended. They also claim that they weren’t making it up as they went along but seasons 3 & 4 absolutely felt that way, and I say that as a Westworld

Freedom of speech protects his right to be a bigot and a bully, and it protects our rights to call Dave Chappelle a piece of shit hack. Shit cuts both ways. 

He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible, and he’s definitely a person who would not stand for actual harm being done to anyone.

If you’re going to cook dried beans, a pressure cooker is your friend. Soaking is definitely optimal for chickpeas and kidney beans.

He’s no Buck Henry.

I’m sure that did not diminish her love for Spears.

“This guy” is actually a trans woman now.

You can add Wil Wheaton to the list of exploited child actors.

This guy says thanks from the bottom of his heart.

I will say that as a cis man who is very average in the dick department, I kind of laugh a little when it comes to penis size stuff for one reason.
Lesbians and trans men exist and are allegedly very skilled at giving women orgasms.