So you use it the same way I use stainless steel mixing bowls and you can get a set of various sizes for the same price as a hotel pan and it'll last just as long.
So you use it the same way I use stainless steel mixing bowls and you can get a set of various sizes for the same price as a hotel pan and it'll last just as long.
I didn’t get the sense watching the last season that anything was unresolved. I’m sure the writers and producers had ideas, but I was satisfied with where Season 4 ended. They also claim that they weren’t making it up as they went along but seasons 3 & 4 absolutely felt that way, and I say that as a Westworld…
Freedom of speech protects his right to be a bigot and a bully, and it protects our rights to call Dave Chappelle a piece of shit hack. Shit cuts both ways.
He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible, and he’s definitely a person who would not stand for actual harm being done to anyone.
If you’re going to cook dried beans, a pressure cooker is your friend. Soaking is definitely optimal for chickpeas and kidney beans.
He’s no Buck Henry.
Weight loss, make up and filters.
Uhh...She’s either altering her photos significantly or she’s had significant work done on her face. Either way, pretending that one or the other isn’t happening is laughable.
Meghan Kelly has no room to talk about getting work done.
Just listened to Spear’s Selfish for the first time. Damn, that slaps. I was doing isolation moves in my chair and then just got up for some body rolls.
This list makes sense in a world where “Like a Virgin,” “Love is a Battlefield,” “Smalltown Boy,” “Dancing in the Dark,” “I Want to Break Free,” “Relax,” “Careless Whisper,” “Karma Chameleon,” “Smooth Operator” and “Thriller” — yes. “Thriller!!!!!!” — do not exist.
But instead we get Huey Lewis and the freakin’ News.
Coming from a country where Frankie Goes to Hollywood absolutely dominated the 1984 charts in a way no new band had done since another popular beat combo from Liverpool 20ish years earlier, it’s very jarring to see Echo & the Bunnymen as the city’s only representatives in this list.
She made a mistake by not making a Praline, Praline, Praline, Praline ice cream.
In retrospect, what John Stewart’s run on the Daily Show did most was to highlight the futility of his particular brand of satire. That haughty, white, urban, affluent, college educated, Northeastern, always acting like they’re above-it-all, “I’m basically a moderately liberal Democrat but I come from a generation…
I’m sure that did not diminish her love for Spears.
“This guy” is actually a trans woman now.
You can add Wil Wheaton to the list of exploited child actors.
I will say that as a cis man who is very average in the dick department, I kind of laugh a little when it comes to penis size stuff for one reason.
Lesbians and trans men exist and are allegedly very skilled at giving women orgasms.