
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader

There was so much that was amazing last night. The 45 remark, the “don’t hesitate to stand up and yell wrong!”, the billionaire, the listing of elected officials ‘and Rudy Giulliani”. I loved when the MC (Al Smith IV, I think?) said to Guilliani “Don’t worry, we angled the lights so you’ll still be comfortable in

There was one comment by Hillary at the Catholic roast thing that I’d love to see a ruling on. She pointed out Bloomberg sitting in the room and said “It’s a shame he’s not speaking tonight. I’m curious to hear what a billionaire has to say.”

bloody hell yes

Whoa.......oh yeah, that’s shade.


But was the Planned Parenthood pink dress Clinton wore at the Catholic dinner shade? I like to think it is.

From Wikipedia:

I hope Christie sucking Trump’s dick was worth it.

Christie has all his hopes riding on a Trump pardon.

Like dance tracks.


Not watching this (was never really a huge fan of the original except for Tim Curry, not big on musicals) but I do find it strange they have a woman playing a transvestite character? Because she was born a man? I thought these were 2 things we didn’t want to conflate.

I was so hoping for someone to yell “Worldstar” at some point...

Melania wasn’t throwing shade; she still fully supports her husband.

And the best part is that Donald knew it. But he still looked like a petulant child calling her on it. The best part about shade is being able to play it off like you didn’t mean it any other way.

Melania’s shade is probably owed to her stylist. That shirt also looks like it was marketed as 70/early 80’s because isn’t that style from around that time period?

THANK YOU for including the Hillary Clinton one. People seemed to be so confused thinking she actually/genuinely complimented his children. Like, no. They were her props in that moment. She knew it; they knew it; we knew it; the audience (who chuckled) knew it. Hell, people not even yet born knew what she meant.