
Us too! Alone time is wise.

I laughed so hard at this

Same here. We have also discovered that vacations go much more smoothly if we take some time apart during the vacation and each go do our own thing for a day.

Nextflix and rage.

So, according to this chart, cats are the cause of divorce.

I’m pretty sure a lot of readers are also adamant that Jezebel is not a feminist blog. A blog for whining and pointing out every single possible infinitesimal moment of someone somehow having been wronged and therefore super butthurt, sure. But feminist? Not for this old feminist broad. I read it for the unintentional


The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.

And how much do you want to bet that those expensive self driving cars will have limitations and “no-go” zones programmed into them to avoid the inevitable neo-favellas built to support the growing masses of permamently unemployables?

As someone who is currently having a house built in a “master plan community” I can tell you that contacts can definitely dictate what the F you do with your own home.

Bradley Cooper? Well the gay men... potentially he’s your boyfriend? Has he cycled on to you now?

Likelihood of being an insufferable, self-important hot mess: 100%. Likelihood of Gaga getting a Golden Globe nom regardless: 100%.

its like they ran their emotions through auto tune.

Incredibly beautiful and moving, and she is so lucky to have had the resources (financial, social, political, emotional) to have been able to do that.

There is a real class division in how people view potlucks. Higher income people view them as lazy and cheap. Most blue collar folks see them as fun and a great way to have a party. There are a lot of people who can’t afford to invite 20-30 people over to eat. Blue collar folks also don’t usually do wine/ hors

Happy Birthday! Don’t listen to anyone. Potlucks are great.

Oh no! You must cancel because a cranky writer in the Internet says they are bad. But I say potlucks are great. And why not put some stress off the host? You are a busy person, no doubt, and it is your birthday. Friends should lend a hand.

This is awkward. My birthday is next Saturday and I’m hosting a potluck dinner.

It is but hey, legends are made to disappoint. I mean, look at MJ, he went full white. At least Ru stayed black.