Thanks for bringing that up. It’s important that people keep shouting “Benghazi!”-oh, sorry, “car accident!” whenever she’s in the public eye.
I don’t understand this. Are grown men really popping boners on the reg during their normal every day lives? I thought uncontrollable engorgement was just a middle school thing. Clearly I know little of the grown male anatomy.
I don’t care how much loneliness they suffer. They are monsters for doing that. They need to be sent home, never to return to the States.
Buy renters insurance. I cannot stress this enough. It is super cheap, and if you get robbed or your idiot neighbors light their place on fire and it burns down the building, you'll be in better shape than everyone else.
I teach Mockingbird. I am black and southern. I never thought an Atticus Finch would have had me over for dinner. Yet, I’ve had white students identify with this character and want to believe so badly that they too would be the heroic, bucking the system, society-be-damned progressive during that era. No one wants to…
Oh my god, so after Regis and Kathy Lee in the 90s ended (hi, me at home with grandma in the summers), they are bringing it back? Do they need more old people to watch Today?
I thought Buddhism was the least shitty religion, until I started hearing about radical monks. So I just go by my own personal beliefs, which involve thinking nature is pretty great and one simple rule: don’t be an asshole.
In a sense, yes. But in another, truer sense, no.
Except for this:
I don’t understand how one person can be such a goddamn evil fucking asshole.
I hope awful things comes out about him in the primaries (I’m sure there are skeletons in his closet) and his political career goes up in flames.
What I learned was to save the marinade and then put it in a sauce pan and bring it to a boil to kill anything from the uncooked meat. You can either heat it to a thing sauce, reduce it down for a glaze (adobo + real maple syrup for a maple chipotle explosion).
With our bellies filled with charred hot dogs and our hands ready to set off illegal fireworks in honor of America’s…
Cats have always made life worth living for me. The idea of spending a single day catless is my idea of hell.
Oh god I miss my cat so much. He was such an asshole.
It’s all about the smug cat squint. That is a self satisfied smirk.
So is there something wrong with me? Because i’m actually agreeing with what Brody Jenner is saying and thinking he came off as a likable guy in this interview. Please tell me he dresses his kittens in Nazi uniforms or something like that so I can go back to hating the guy and the universe can resume normal order.
He was amazing as himself on the Bitch in Apt 23!
As we go through life, every decision should not be financial in nature.