
“porn statues” is an inaccurate and ridiculous description.

The problem is that they created, perhaps unintentionally, a school of popular criticism for an audience that doesn’t really understand how to discuss film and literature.

Anyone want to discuss how these blowhard nerd trope discussion vids are always narrated by nerds with annoying voices? I can’t listen to them for ten seconds. Why would I want to listen to them for a half hour?

Do people still dry hump?

Those dudes are garbage who also largely miss the point.

Redlettermedia criticism should be added to the list of lowbrow criticism enjoyed by blowhard nerds.

That pretty much describes common youtube film criticism. People don’t know how to watch films and think of films as documentaries that should closely attempt to depict real life.

What’s wrong with being grey?

I wonder how the Root would feel about this.

Last season, the characters in South Park explicitly told the audience not to vote for Trump and that Clinton was the best candidate.

I do that almost after almost every article. The writers here are prone to saying some pretty stupid things.

This is the dumbest article I’ve read all day. Not sorry that it doesn’t make me awesome.

Why make the distinction between pop star and rapper?

I’m still really confused by what authenticity means in the context of pop music.

Sorta like how bad taste is your thing?

Not fan-fiction. That’s such a strange description when the script was written by the person who wrote the original.

He isn’t punched in the face for three hours. It’s not that kind of film.

Gosling is great in this film.

This film went way above your head.

Depiction isn’t endorsement.