
Those aren’t the attitudes that are routinely expressed here. The common expression used is “gross” and that it is uniformly a predatory relationship by the older party. Like, it’s preferred that people have relationships with equally awful humans as long as the age range is within a year or two.

I can’t believe someone wrote this article and that people are discussing it.

Hollywood enforces some pretty messed up things exactly as you stated. However, these comment sections also enforce some many messed up ideas, especially when it comes to discussions about age and relationships (whether it be age or relationships on their own or age+relationships). Often these arguments are

Trifecta does not mean trio.

And if it happens, so what?

Wow, this song sounds like something you’d hear playing at the grocery store.

Thanks for a compiling a list of songs that I hope I’ll never hear.

Except for this blog and its culture consumption/analysis at large.

Because you’re supposed to support Beyonce and other similar advocates of purchasing empowerment at the expense of the have-nots. It’s one or the other. Duh.

How film depict relationships and casting women is a problem. Age differences between adults in relationships is not. Different things happening right there.

Is no one here familiar with painting?

Cool ageism! Strikes once again on Jezebel! Go classism and conservativism! Hooray!

This might be unbelievable, but tons of women become mothers before they are 26. Not everyone goes to a university and has five year plans.

I think the image of the “waxen-faced, vestal Jennifer Lawrence” is commonly known as a painting. Check them out sometime.

Linsdey Stirling is so obnoxious. Like, if i could make a spectrum of definitive corny bad taste stuff, you’d have Beyonce in the middle for squares and norms and them this stuff for a special kind of nerd that somehow escaped the entirety of middle school without being stuffed in locker.

Lots of bad people who visit this blog will defend them. Because, you know, they are “talented.” Like that means anything.

I also don’t know how to read that comment. Taylor Swift’s sound has transformed into ultra-generic dance pop rather than noodling around with pop country.

It’s almost like you’re implying that pop-music isn’t a business enterprise whose model shifts depending on what’s in demand. Like, there’s integrity or authenticity or something in that industry.

I wish more people would read your comment. There’s something very odd and empty about the way people are discussing Miley’s performer stages.

What’s the deal with grey sweatpants?