
They work great to keep other people from getting what you have. The problem isn’t your “Air”. The problem is the wet mist that expels from your mouth when you cough or sneeze. These masks are perfect for catching that stuff.

Bungie, is that you? It’s an amazingly bad game. Plain and simple. Destiny is about the endgame. You play the story for about 8 hours, then you play the endgame for about 2000 hours. Destiny 2 had the same set up, except, there was no endgame.

Almost certainly not. Bungie’s shockingly slow reaction to the intense backlash over all the negative changes made in this sequel has probably doomed the series. I’m pretty sure it can’t be saved now.

I was sad when Vision died. Then when people started getting Snaptured, I was more sad. But when T’Challa got Snaptured, all emotional impact ceased because I knew that 100% of all deaths in this movie were meaningless. There is a 100% chance that every single death will be reversed. I’d be amazed if Loki and Heimdall

America is a nation of idiots. We make a secret board game to help teach our operatives how to be some of the best in the world. Then we honor a freedom of information request and give it away.

If card games get caught in the anti-lootbox dragnet, I’m okay with that. Honestly, buying a pack of random cards is gambling. I know it’s unlikely, but what if you bought a pack full of “Bargain” cards? Would you feel like you got your money’s worth?

The airlines need to start doing something about this besides having proper, functioning medical equipment. Packing people into tiny seats that you can’t stretch out on and can’t adjust your seating position is a great way to give perfectly healthy people a pulmonary embolism. The seats themselves cause death.

Oh, it’s weapon customization? Awesome! It might be time for me to start playing the worst sequel the history of electronic media then!

Derpy comments are derpy.

Yes, there is a pattern.

It doesn’t feel like Star Trek to me. Go back and listen to the themes of all the old series (except Enterprise, don’t know what happened there). There is a clear thread between all of them. There is a sense of hopefulness in the music itself. This theme didn’t have that.

Did one of those two actually happen?

The entire design philosophy this game was wrong. Updates won’t help as long as this bad philosophy exists.

Error Code: Boring


Probably. Since it’s obvious that it’s not sarcastic, it would be odd to read it as sarcastic.

She’s clearly talking about janky shit rather than actual game crashes or lockups,

That was my first thought. Why would anyone comply with her request? Why not just say no, and force the city to pay tons of unemployment? That would make her look really, really bad.


I’m gonna upvote that comment because it’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said so far. Your hypothesis is not what happened, but at least now I know that you do possess some higher thinking skills.

I’m gonna upvote that comment because it’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said so far. Your hypothesis is not