I think it’s because his daughter converted to Judaism. Doesn’t the Jewish population normally vote Democrat?
I think it’s because his daughter converted to Judaism. Doesn’t the Jewish population normally vote Democrat?
No one likes a sore loser. Are you trying to ensure a second term?
Why do you support your argument with lies? Do you consider Abraham Lincoln to be a good president? What experience did he have? Go look it up, I’ll wait.
A question from a fan wondering about the situation...
Look, I hate the Bush’s as much as the next guy. But this is pretty “Deplorable”. The old man is loosing his mind, can we just leave him alone? Please? Let him get old in peace!
Wow. Just, wow.
It’s just Channing Tatum and Milo Ventimiglia filming 23 Jump Street. Relax.
If Pasnik put in “useless” code that does nothing, and the same code is in this mod, then the code is stolen. There would be no debate.
The Future:
Did they fix any of the laundry list of problems that plagued TTK from day one? Did they fix the Exotic weapons that don’t feel exotic? Did they separate PVP from PVE? Did they bring every single piece of content up to the new light level?
I agree that moderators should fact check. But I do think that most of the media (this site especially) leans left. Since half the country leans right, it needs to be balanced. But that fact checking would be unfairly applied to the right wing candidate, and not as much on the left. Most moderators are news anchors…
I agree. Why wouldn’t an International Terrorist Group want to claim an attack that was basically a complete failure.
International. Got it.
You and I remember Budapest very differently.
If Microsoft lowered the price of the Xbox 1 by a significant margin, the power advantage wouldn’t matter.
My first thought too. I thought these things could, you know, fly away from the hurricane.
But, who will cuss me out for following the orders of other managers of the same rank in the same area? Who will give me conflicting orders? Who will give me more jobs than can be done in a shift and then call me lazy for not getting them done?
Do you mean after Fahey dies? He’s eating all that horrible stuff, the end will have to come soon for him!
I’m with you on that Half Life 2 thing. I loved 1, but 2 was mind numbingly boring. I think I put 5 hours (maybe more, but it’s been years, and I haven’t looked at it since) into it before I had enough.
And so begins the fall of YouTube.