
Everyday, millions of gallons of Vegetable Oil are thrown out. Used Vegetable Oil. McDonald’s, KFC, and many others send it to a “Recycler”. Usually that just means that it is going into a literal Pig Trough. It would be far more useful in your gas tank. Unfortunately, there are now laws that make that extremely

I do realize this. All I was trying to say is that I doubt very seriously that the Oil Companies are just going to lay down and take it. I think they will find a way to force us to buy their carbon, just like they force us to buy their Diesel when Vegetable Oil is cheaper and just as effective.

Except that we read about a new, cheap material almost every day that will replace Lithium. I think freaking Carbon was mentioned a few times. Carbon, you know, that stuff we get out of oil.

4? Are you including Journey? If so, then no, they didn’t give it a chance. Journey was a POS money grab when what the fans wanted was another Fable style game.

The new light system is perfect, which is why it won’t survive the fall update. Bungie’s motto is “if it ain’t broke, destroy the hell out of it!”

I think his comments are great. He’s may be singlehandedly responsible for the change that will inevitably come to the game industry. He’s one of those people that doesn’t know when to shut up, and because of that, some Senator may decide it’s time to draw up a bill to fix this issue. If not, maybe one of his

I can accept this, but normal text is easier to read. That’s why it’s normal. I find my self skimming everything now instead of just the green ball posts. Instead of looking at everything, I only look at things I really want, like the Games and Home Theater sections. I ignore the rest because the new format is less

I can accept this, but normal text is easier to read. That’s why it’s normal. I find my self skimming everything now

I get that. And I will “play something else”. I honestly thought no one cared about FF anymore. I was wrong.


Basically, the question was, “does anyone care about FF anymore?” The answer appears to be an emphatic “yes!”

Wow. There is an amazing amount of Final Fantasy XV news here today. It’s almost like Kotaku thinks we’re going to play it or something. Maybe we will if it’s the only news we see for the next few months.

Just curious. Has the new Amazon green dot thing helped or hurt clicks?

Just curious. Has the new Amazon green dot thing helped or hurt clicks?

Oh stop it, stop it, stop it! Discipline is the perfect word, regardless of any alleged mental health issues.

Oh, I’ve been saying that wrong my whole life then. I was really thinking about “Brakes” when I was saying that.

I did everything there was to do in all three games. I got to be a rich landlord, I owned everything. I got married. I had kids. I played every story mission and every side mission. It did not fall flat for me. I love 1 and 3. 2 was a little boring comparatively, but still great.

Wow. You and I have such different takes on this game. I know there are haters, but, just, wow.

Excellent. I’ve been saying that Legends was going to suck since it was announced. Someone else has finally realized it. It sucks that people had to loose their job to get this done, but if this was the best they could come up with, them’s the brakes.

Ok, I get it, but didn’t Live Another Day seem ridiculous to you at all? Also, is Jack the only CTU agent in existence? Why don’t we hire some more? Aren’t there other CTU offices, like on the East Coast or something? I bet there are other people out there that are just as dedicated as Jack.

Um, that ugly floating roof? That boring front end that results in a boring back end?

Ban. Motor. Cycles. Forever.