
I really don't know. I always lived in cities with subways and cabs you could flag. People used to own cars from a younger age, so it might not have been as much of a problem until Millenials came around. It might also be that people had no choice but to wait an hour for a cab they called or they would just drunk

Here's the real problem: When people call, they want something. I am all out of somethings.

I beg to differ- I think it's ridiculous that couples are pressured into doing shit they don't want just for their guests. I got tired of the requests and pressure, so we eloped instead- and it was AWESOME. I don't give a shit what other people wanted on my wedding day- I wanted something simple and stress-free, and I

It's an exhaust tube that mechanics in a shop hook up to the tail pipe so it vents the fumes outside when they're working on a vehicle with the engine running. Technically that cat is pretty much trying to murder everyone in the shop because with the tube detached the area will get asphyxiated by carbon monoxide and

This isn't a story about me being broken up with, rather me breaking up with my boyfriend at the time. Our 2nd anniversary was coming up and I had just realized that I was in love with someone else, a woman to be exact. Well, he didn't know this yet and my 19 year old self thought the best time to tell him was when he

from what i can tell, past him is the worst and so is present him.

If you look closely at the crowd, you can see a young Jamie Moyer soaking up the action.

Bob Sears' (he's a semi-celeb anti-vax doctor for those of you who don't run in circles with the crunchy parent set) waiting room was identified as the starting point of an outbreak of measles in 2008. He remains a popular and sought after doctor.

What with all the Kinja changes over the years, aren't we kind of back to where we were originally? I mean, the sideways comments, the double-wide columns...aside from the algorithm to bring the best comments to the top (which doesn't really seem to work), and the inability to tell who's responding to who — it's back

Be the change you want to see.

Straws, pens, forks. Power cords. Boxes are good, especially boxes that held expensive toys they ignore so they can play with the box. Bathroom rugs, which are also chewable. Toilet paper. My socks, if I'm dumb enough to leave them lying on the floor. Expensive wool berets, when I accidentally left my drawer slightly

Crowley crossing himself was odd. Like Jesus would appear and go, "Yes, my so-, wait. You? But you are the King of Hell. You...I mean...really You're going to ask me for help. Really? This whole, All are God's children thing is pushing the limits. ...Really, Crowley?" Poor confused Jesus. Though this makes me realize

that's a very good point. this time Sam didn't go in a boring lecture to Dean. he was just as exhausted to make one as we would have been to ehat it.
I didn't really notice that scene, I loved this episode! Story advances, not a monster of the week.

I would also rather clean an entire bathroom than dust one bookshelf. I have an unreasonably strong hatred for dusting.

The Giant Colon Tour came to my university, too! It was smaller than I thought it would be. Educational, though.

I dont think thats a bad thing - so long as they are encouraging responsible screening (i.e. once every x years after 40). People are so weird about their b-holes that a lot of people flatly refuse the procedure that could save their lives, so I see merit in that.

I will say though - some of the people performing the

Chris Pratt's career pisses me off. Should've been you, Jensen Ackles!

After he prayed to Cas and got no response, he broadcasted a prayer to all angels where his location was in hopes that someone would help.

Pretty sure he let out an "open prayer" to the angels with the name/location of the hospital.