Norv is not looking good.
Norv is not looking good.
This asshole intended to put the clinic and the doctor out of business, did so, and then argues that it was the doctor’s duty to expend whatever effort and funds to put the clinic back in business, so some other asshole could then do the same thing. Fuck that guy.
No one in the History of Ever except me (and it sounds like you) has brought a filled-out form with them to the post office counter.
Are you me?
Completely agree, BMW driver gets no defense from this corner either. But who knows how long he’d been behind dashcam driver, slowly going insane?
I hope Hillary comes out breathing fire. And I think she will.
When I was young and dumb (now I am old and cynical, but also still pretty dumb), I was introduced to a co-worker’s fiance -- “Russell Cologne”. Later I asked her if he was a lounge singer and was that his stage name? I’d never heard “Colon” as a name before.
The outfield at Petco Park in San Diego has these grassy terraces that are actually divided up into “seats” (or at least they use to be, it’s been years since I was there). Once I was in charge of getting all the “seats” in one of the terraces so a bunch of us, including two families with multiple little kids, could…
Thank Jebus I’m in California. I haven’t seen a Trump ad (though all of Clinton’s are just recordings OF Trump), and suspect I never will. The agony of being in a battleground state right now...yowsa.
I know I come from a place so far to the left of the current Republican party NASA probably couldn’t find me, but still — Trump and Cruz are two of the most objectively repulsive human beings on the planet, right? Not just me? Every one of the other Republicans was less repulsive? Like,…
He got “you’re” wrong AND “your” wrong. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
Xosha Kai Roquemore, whoever you are, I hear you. A few weeks back I was in the back yard and I started hearing my neighbor yelling at someone to “get the fuck out of my driveway”, “fuck off” (repeatedly), and finally, “I’m not interested in the spiritual beliefs of twenty year old VIRGINS”. Shortly after, my…
I will do that thing!
The Mavericks, probably categorized as country, is the best touring band I’ve ever seen. It is inexplicable to me that they have such a low profile. All you ever do is bring me down
Hey Rudy, your outfit and whole...presence makes a similar argument.
My folks had an old 1950s Dodge station wagon that had a WWF ring in the back, basically. The back area was padded with foam and then covered in shag carpet, and us kids would just get dumped in the back to wrestle and roll around, as we went as fast as that old car would go, my dad probably buzzed and definitely…
I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. However I wonder if the second cycle doesn’t break at “Money makes happy investors who make happy companies who ///” In my experience at BigAssCompany, investors are happiest when employees get replaced by offshore contractors.
I will never ever ever work for a publicly traded company again.
I went to the premiere after party for the second Austin Powers movie (I won a contest!). It was super fab, but Rob Lowe was a GIANT DOUCHE to me in the bar line. I’ve had very few celebrity encounters, despite living in Southern California (does Wink Martindale count? he was at the table next to me last Friday at the…