
The same way the USOC trademarked “Olympic”. Years ago they sued a mom and pop jewelry store in Seattle, “Olympic Jewelers” — which, by the way, was named after the nearby Olympic mountain range. (I just checked and they’re still in business under that name, so they must have won.)

Not disagreeing with you — you know the backstage much better than I, I have no doubt. But I would point out that Howard Schultz could buy Clay Bennett at a premium out of his pocket change, and it didn’t keep the Sonics in Seattle. Obviously there’s may very well be a huge difference in commitment and interest. But

Which attitude almost guarantees a shot at 16 & Pregnant.

I worked for a lawfirm that bought its first computers used, from the Goodwill Games (Seattle, 1990) tag sale. Not Apple — these were DOS boxes. They were loaded with porn. Of the “green dots on black screen” variety. It was very explicit. I maintain if the Antikythera Mechanism was found complete, there’d be porn

Fabio being decorative.

I’m just delighted he’s leaving Oklahoma.

Similar. I was the biggest dental chicken you ever could find due to some “old school” work. But since I’ve been going to younger dentists, the ones up on the newest techniques? No problem! My advice is find the youngest dentist you can, Dougie Houser DDS.

Extra-long and extra-legged kitty needs to come home with me.

He was delightful.

Arya pulling off that “mission impossible” style mask was just dumb. The faceless men of previous seasons switched in a blink. The way Arya did it implies she had to kill someone and take their skin. What was wrong with her just insta-switching in front of Frey?

Someone commented, probably on this site, that Sansa did it the way it was done intentionally — sacrificed the wildling and etc. army in order to ensure a victory over the Boltons. And that even Jon dying would have been a price she was willing to pay. I have to admit, THAT would be an interesting turn in her

There appears to be a lessening of the subtlety or elegance of the GRRM seasons, in my opinion. It’s just very rote — Plot Point A followed by Plot Point B. Perfunctory. I think it’s very noticeable.

There are no dedicated work stations. It’s first come first serve every day. Or more positively, musical chairs! If you go to lunch or a meeting or whatever, you have to take EVERYTHING with you, or put it in your locker. The only permanent thing at the station will be a single monitor. When you come back you’ll have

Oh, we’ll have LOCKERS!

They’re doing it at my company soon. Not only is it open (or “Next Gen!” as they call it), they’re only providing 75% of the stations needed if everyone were to show up. And remote work is forbidden. They assume that at any given time, 25% of workers will be in a meeting, home sick, at lunch, traveling, whatever. That

They actually look like big boys to me, not 14 year old idiots.

“Blunt traumatic asphyxiation”, I read in (probably) the LA Times this morning. That sounds HORRIBLE, though what I was thinking was worse: that he got mooshed a little, pinned, and then cooked since it was brutal hot yesterday, and I suppose the engine continued to run? And if he’d been there for hours? It must have

Serious question — a young relative came out to me as non-binary gender fluid. Of course I love them beyond measure, and support them fully. But I struggle with pronouns and the language generally. “Mx.” is I think very elegant — fun fact, way back in the 80's (when I worked at the ACLU) I was told that “Ms.” was

+1 Graduate of Ballard Driving Academy