
And the wonderful thing is, she isn’t a token, like (let’s face it) Ferraro, and certainly Palin — a sop to try and get the “women vote”. She practiced politics the same way a man would. I’m delighted for the little girls, and I’m even more delighted for people like my 96 year old mother, who was born 20 days before

I had an art framer hang onto an irreplaceable baby picture of my mom (from 1920) for six months+, countless excuses and promises...by the time I’d reached my limit I’d moved 160 miles away and sent him a prepaid package to just ship the unframed picture back. This after paying for the job in advance like an idiot. No

Next up!

You know this is all going to get worse if Clinton is elected. We saw with Obama how it infuriated and empowered the racists. Won’t somebody think of the white men!? I just hope that, in the long run, our X number of steps back will be less than our Y steps forward.

My undergraduate graduation ceremony, I was in the last row of my school, and the super douches in the row behind me, first in THEIR school, decided to shake up bottles of shitty champagne and spray everyone in the vicinity, including me in my “after graduation fancy dinner” clothes, soaked through the chintzy

As I recall it wasn’t the multiple faces, it the was extra boobs.

A friend was writing a book about childhood molestation experiences (I moved and lost contact, so unsure if she ever finished). She said that whenever she mentioned it, to ANY woman, every one of them had a story to share.

Wrong, the top side dish is MORE BRISKET.

Other used car lots that are selling more of an “experience” than a deal will have pre-owned models priced higher than new ones.

Possibly, but at the very least i hope this asshole gets the shit doxxed out of him.

“shiplap” /puke

I love the artist Italo Scanga, and have several large prints including one (below), the original of which hung in an office I worked at years ago. But recently I lucked into a tiny, unsigned-and-therefore-almost-affordable painting of his on ebay, and it’s AMAZING how much “more” it is than the prints. There’s just

It’s about equally annoying and disruptive when the brands are fake. If they’re just drinking a beer and it happens to be a Bud, or whatever, and you sort of seeing it in passing that’s fine. But the FOCUS on the brand is what makes it infuriating.

Being worth $150 million instead of a rumored $300 million is the kind of “financial troubles” I am ready to stand in line for.

But definitely his holiday wish is, for all the children of the world to come together and sing, in peace and love.

Man, I hope that’s not true. End stage back in the day was HORRIFIC. I mean, people on meds do die, even now, but untreated? Horror show.

time travellers from an apocalyptic future who send their consciousnesses back into the bodies of 21st century Americans, hoping to come together and use their knowledge of the future to stop it from ever happening.

A co-worker’s brother is a tile guy, and he walked off a job for one of these shows, I think it’s the “inspirational” one where they re-do a house for a wounded vet or a family with 18 foster kids or whatever. Anyway, apparently there was so much pressure to do a half-assed cheap job, he quit halfway through.

I once told a Macy’s salesperson, sorry I’m too fat to shop in your store, and left my several hundred dollars worth of merch on the counter in front of her snotty ass after a snotty remark. Do you suppose it’s a managerial edict to get the fatties out of store (and don’t come back!) or just a moron?

Too much belief to be suspended. Spacey obviously a tuxedo.