
Galactica 1980 was very terrible, as was most of 1980s television. (Except for Simon & Simon — that’s shown up here on some random channel lately and it’s better than you’d think.) But Galactica 1980 gave us the “what happened to Starbuck” episode, which was genuinely disturbing. Apart from the comedy sidekick Cylon,

This guy kind of did, though it was still several years.

In my ‘hood in San Diego (lots of Navy dudes) some guy decided to express his irritation with his girlfriend by driving down her (also my) street, sideswiping about a dozen cars. People came out of their houses, including several big guys, chased him down the street around the corner where he crashed. I followed to

My Prime membership is up for renewal next month, and honestly for the shipping I’d be ready to dump it. I don’t need anything in two days...but Amazon has sucked me into the Fire Stick and Echo now, so I guess I’m a lifer. The new Echo commercials are kind of hilarious in that they activate MY Echo, which attempts to

Do Roombas still navigate by bashing into everything?

Do Roombas still navigate by bashing into everything?

There has been awesome fanfic about how Solo and Kuryakin first met and teamed up. Realistic to the times and very sophisticated politically and psychologically. And then of course, they commenced to bone each other.

Well, with my dad it wasn’t the Big A, thankfully. It was vascular dementia as a result of a stroke, which was brought on by a heart attack, which was due to a lifetime of smoking. No cigs in this household! But that’s just the one guy...dementia in the elderly comes from many sources, and however it comes it’s

My dad had pretty bad dementia toward the end, expressed as unreasonable anger. You couldn’t reason with him, it was pointless. My poor mom would take him out for breakfast because at least she got out of the house and got to talk to other people...but I’m sure plenty of people that watched them felt the same way.

And it is DELICIOUS. I will have a Deluxe and chocolate shake...shipped to me in California (sob).

As I have asked numerous times in threads where it comes up, what is the rationale for allowing a squirming unpredictable small human to sit on your lap during takeoff/landing, but I can’t have my purse on my lap? I just don’t get it. Not the purse thing, sure, it could conceivably fly around and hit someone. I

Those “my child is vaccine free and healthy” commercials make me RAGE.

People in SD hated Ryan Leaf so much, they tried to hit what was rumored to be his house (on a golf course) with tee shots. There was a talk radio campaign to get people to knock it off, he didn’t even live there, etc. This prompted WAY MORE PEOPLE aiming their balls at random houses adjacent to golf courses. So to

That’s a really fair statement of division, I think. I guess for me, the issue is — is it actually a big deal? I did not think so, but this thread has given me something to think about. Never too old to learn when you’re wrong.

I’m an itemizer, and reading through all the arguments against it here, I see the point of view. IMO splitting is perfectly fine when you’re within a few dollars of each other — just today I had the taquitos and my friend had taco with beans and rice, and we split without looking at the menu price because it’s a

The visual of the waves against the pier from very high up is beautiful. The closeup views of people who don’t consent to being filmed, close enough to EASILY identify them, is unnecessary and a giant dick move. To the person below who will argue this is no different than “consenting cheerfully” to being filmed with a

I worked for a law firm that defended a jewelry store, Olympic Jewelers, that was sued by the IOC. The IOC apparently believed they own all uses of word “olympic”. They’re still in business so they must have prevailed — I can’t remember. Incidentally, the jewelry store was named after the Olympic mountain range.

I choose...ice cream!

I’ve been here years, like back in the star days. I never got one of those either.