
No worries, I didn’t realize. Durr. Thanks for all the laughs!

I made Behind Closed Ovens! Big Day! But...that asshole former brother in law belonged to me, not “Dana Torrance”, whoever that is.

Isn’t one GoT theory that the Night King IS Bran the Builder? That makes GRRM’s statement a little cute, if so. I don’t know that other name (read the books very long ago). Off to the google!

I took my young niece to a Thompsons Twins concert, because the opener was a just starting out and barely-known Chris Isaac. He was pretty much booed off the stage, but after he was done I went out and sat in the lobby. A guy working the venue kept coming around and asking, didn’t I want to watch the headliner? NOPE.

Oh THANKS. Now I’ve got THAT as an earworm. Number Nine. Number Nine. Number Nine. Number Nine....

And she wore a potato sack, apparently. (I’m not a fashion guy.)

Well, it took a while, but Jack Donaghy’s plan to tank NBC has finally come through.

With a side of boiled leather.

Pickled herring. Dang. That stuff is delicious...but isn’t a great fragrance.

“Munch” is also a terrible, terrible word.

I was an awesome speller in grade school and won my class two years in a row, went on to the school championship. Went out both years on “foreign”. I BEFORE E, except after C etc. I still think Mr. Houser, that dickbag, gave it to me the second year on purpose.

Plus, completely unrelated, but I really hate the load more button that has been added.

Jensen Ackles in all the things! I really would love to see him as Gary Mitchell in the rebooted Star Trek, in a version of “Where No Man Has Gone Before”. Alas.

My alcoholic brother-in-law came home late one night from the bar, completely shit-faced, was hungry and made himself a tuna sandwich. Took a bite and didn’t like it, left it on the counter and went to bed. My sister found it in the morning. I know what you’re thinking — you’re thinking, he mistook cat food for tuna.

Thank you! I will watch again with this in mind. And the Dean escalated the fight so that Death would believe Dean had lost control and would go through with it, presumably.

I would really like someone to explain that last scene to me. I’m extremely forgiving of the frequent plot-whut on this show, but I just can make no sense of that. Dean killed Death because Death said he’d sacrifice Sam if Dean didn’t? But didn’t Death offer to take Dean off to Jupiter or Purgatory or someplace? I’ve

RAAAAAAAAAAAAGE! My mom said she got tired of me whining when she’d comb the snarls out of my hair. I’m sure I was a terrible whiner, but on the other hand I was the youngest of seven and she was pretty much done dealing with kids by the time I came along, in many ways.

When I was a little kid my mom took me to the beauty school for a “pixie” — which was supposed to be the Winona cut, basically. (Of course this was the 60’s so the “pixie” predates Winona’s existence on this earth.) Pictures confirm it was just a crew cut. Still haven’t forgiven her.

I’d been with my current place eleven years (in two different cities) and it was time to move on for reasons (they actually closed shop a couple of years later, after 115+ years), but I wasn’t quite ready, and I hadn’t interviewed in many years so I decided to get some practice in with a big company in the same