
Kittens for you — Audrey and her idiot brother, Fabio. I had to put down my 20-year old many years ago, and I still get choked up thinking about her. Such is life!

Clap on clap off. The clapper.

Lisa: What a whimsical building. Who says science can't be fun?Bart: Me. I smell a museum.Homer: Yeah, good things don't end with -eum, they end with -mania, or –teria. Will there be beer?

I know people are going to hate this episode. It was very staged and mostly pretty badly done. But the bit where James May was imitating a particular puppet made me laugh so hard I wet 'em. Also his exasperation with the Peugeot driver. Really, from that point to the end I can't remember when I've laughed so hard at

I'm an olde so, you know, off my lawn etc. However, I have to say, as an olde, I'm content knowing I'll die thirty years before these brain trusts. It's a fair trade for not having had to spend my 20's, 30' and 40's in a culture where this seems like a good idea to ANYONE.

I pull eyebrow hairs, and am terrified to move on to other hair in case I end up finding that more satisfying. So far they grow back, but probably not forever. I'd rather use more positive stress-coping mechanisms, but at least this one's cheap and won't kill me. I'm pretty much at peace with it.

That's another thing! Detangling was a huge issue for me, now — nothing. I guess it doesn't work for everyone, but I'm just annoyed I never tried it before!.

I'll try it! Thanks.

Interesting — my experience with water is the same. Doing nothing, it's still way better on day five than it used to be on day two using shampoo/conditioner. That's the reason I decided to try this, I never found product that didn't leave me with greasy gross hair inside 36 hours. Whenever I'd hear someone say — your

Me too, and they were born in 1918 and 1920 respectively, so plenty long ago. I'm not actually sure what my dad's beliefs were, but he certainly NEVER expressed any religious feeling whatsoever, and my mom (still kicking at 94) was a full-on non-believer. But, they made all of us kids get some exposure to multiple

Anyone else no-poo? I made the switch mid-December and my hair is fantastic, plus my skin appears to have cleared up! (Confounding factor, I also moved around the same time — maybe a change in the water? That last house was a shithole.) I'm doing the baking soda/vinegar thing about every five days, but I'm still

So sick of this fetishization of "choice" over making a good one. And not just regards vaccination, i.e., I can throw my recyclables into a landfill because CHOICE. I can take my groceries home in 17 plastic bags, one bag per item, instead of in a reusable bag because CHOICE. I have never put anything in the bed of

I had to fly from Seattle to San Francisco for work, and scored a last-minute cheap upgrade from Alaska Airlines back when that used to be a thing. After I'd boarded some dude came by and said I was in his seat. I assumed Alaska had made a mistake. I haaaaaaaaate flying, so getting that seat was major. I determined

My community college chemistry teacher had us decaffeinate coffee, and prove that on the molecular level cheap vodka and expensive vodka were identical. He also had us do some experiment that went so badly wrong someone pulled the emergency-flood-the-room cord, which — long story — turned out to be not really up to

I feel like I saw the whole movie! Except for the part where Sean Bean dies.

That dance move at :42 was awesome.

The Ringside if you're meat eaters. Or even if not, those onion rings!

I'm sure I've got it wrong in detail, but there was a funny moment at the beginning with Crowley and Rowena: