
Actually you can get schizophrenia out of the blue. It does not have to be onset by some traumatic event in your life.

Well i think most people saw the insanity plea comming for a long time.

why would we from norway send someone not american to an american prison? Also the country is against death penalty so that would not happen eighter. Also if it were a terrorist act sending the person back to their own country for jailtime probably wouldn't work eighter since he might be a hero for some people there.

Talking in a zelda game would probably ruin it for me. : p

Problem with this is sony does not really have that manny memorable characters they could put into this fighting game. Sly cooper is in the game though so it might be worth it. : p

I find it sort of funny that the wiiu might be the console with best graphics for 2 years, depending on when sony decides to make a ps4.

Well thing is you can level just about anything to 50 by just training it and stealing the money back.

Well it's not like he can't make the house bigger over time, he can dig out new rooms for the kids as they grow older. : P

if your going to type something everyday it won't really be hard to remember, just t osee if i could do it i now have a 40-60 characters long password to remember. ^^

you don't want imortant systems to lock down after 3 failed atempts.

I easily identify this way of thinking with mythbusters, they usually make estimates based on other things they've seen.

Well i sort of agree, i hate it when games force you to start on a easier difficulty. What devil may cry did was kinda funny though where you could not choose easy before you died a couple times.

meh it's one of the worst ones for me, along with the DS ones. why do they have to incorporate the stylus. ._. out of all the handheld zelda games minish cap was the most enjoyable, make more 2d zelda games please nintendo! ^^

over 100 hours and your not 51 yet? i've not even played 50 and i'm lvl 45, all i've done is the whole thieves guild quest chain. the last thing i did was going to the greybeards at lvl 45.

I don't have a DS, but my little sister have one so i've gotten her all the zelda DS games for christmas, i am pretty shure she is not a huge zelda fan. I however have been enjoying them. : P

I'd like to point out that Bastion is multi platform, so he only really had 1 xbox 360 only game for the list. I like the list though, even though i've also been enjoying bf3 and mw3, only game i haven't played yet is the wii games, but i'm getting them later this year. putting to much time into skyrim, mw3 and bf3

I completely agree with this! the minish cap was an amazing game, i don't really see the reason not to make more 2d games like this, it would not really take that manny people to make eighter.

Well the accuracy stat is kinda bullshit, if i wanted a high accuracy i'd be sniping all day long. my sniper accuracy in bf is about 40%, while my average is 17%. Would never base how good a player is on his accuracy, it may tell a bit about that persons playstyle though.

Actually i know some people use their boat house for a hangout spot, or for before parties. (atleast in Norway). Also a mate of mine is planning to make their boat house into an apartment since he does not really need it for a boat. A lot of the boat houses around here usally have an upper floor though where theres a

Well atleast dice made a new engine.. ^^