
You can't that is the secound price, choosing a system is the third price. ^^

Recon is not reserved only for snipers. ^^ Recon is also pretty good at CQB. I also tend to do pretty well midrange with a acog on the sniper, but for cqb i usually use a shotgun paired with a motion sensor.

I alos love psych, seems like the cast is having a good time behind the scenes aswell which i think shows in the show.

Well said.

Bought new parts to upgrade my pc just for bf3. :>

rofl my thought exactly, egbert is fucking awesome.

yeah same, i remember at 60 when no one knew the new races that were comming, everyone was hoping for pandaren.. and now they decide to do that, fuck meee... : P

well only in twilight princess, i think it's a stupid change. :(

except for cod4? : p which is probably the best cod to hit pc. ^^

Not really, have driven cars where theres a hud for speed, and also the tacometer, quite usefull and it wasn't really istracting, you get used to it really fast.

i agree, the zelda 2 last dungeon is way harder than the water temple,which is probably no even on my top 5 list of hard dungeons in the zelda series.

wowowow.. i actuly think the water temple on majoras mask was harder, and also that's probably not the hardest one.. doing the last dungeon in the first zelda game without a guide was harder in my opinion.

What? I don't really see what the rage is about? a guy making a fake video about killing somone is totally fine by me.

well it's months ago some bf3 guy said this would be how you'd enter a server on his twitter.. thought everyone knew this would happen..

this will probably be used in for instance robberies or murder cases where they can find footprints.

I would like to point out that in the series "breaking in" the main character did this to his bf in a prank war.

twilight princess was a pretty easy game, i've probably whipped out a guide at some point in most other zelda games, but twilight princess was just to easy, even my sister finished it without asking me for help. Try doing the first zelda game without a strategy guide, also use the name Zelda to make the game a tad

battletoads & double dragon was just insane to me. o.o

beat super meat boy both with a keyboard and with a gamepad, still playing the first zelda game without a guide would be equally hard to do in my eyes, although doing super meat boy would take longer time.

Well the first zelda game was kinda hard since you had to bom/urn everything and find out stuff from wierd hints. doing it without checking the internet would be hard. The secound game i could do without checking the internetz, although my aunt said that when she played the game years ago she actually called some game