
The package labels you read are all in grams. For example, this diet coke says “Protein: 0g” (not ounces or barleycorns or whatever)

I’ll take me some Bill Sienkiewicz era New Mutants over that Liefeld Garbage any day.

Yeah, but I would want him at his original power levels. Having him read body language and computers and such is very cool, but Doug would be a GREAT entre into the world of Xavier that we never got in the movies because they kind of skipped over what made Kitty Pryde so popular in the first place... she was us, the

Because Bryan Singer has a thing for really really young actors... in a very creepy way.

Don’t forget Sunspot is Brazillian!

I always liked Doug’s power because why did every mutation have to be something extraordinary? Granted he couldn’t be taken into a fight, but being able to communicate with anyone could prevent one.

THIS. Doug Ramsey always gets shit on because of his power... but in reality his power has infinite potential not only in our modern age, but on a meta-physical level that was never explored.

Please don’t do Warlock without Cyphre. Please.

The videos aren’t very effective at showing what the boxes do - both have too much sound from non ‘beat machine’ instruments to get a really good idea of what the sound of the box is actually like.

Not saying the boxes aren’t cool - I really like the idea, I just wish I could have heard the boxes - adding in other

There’s a difference between being treated like just another worker and not being treated well. There’s also a difference between having a different opinion about something and being an asshole.

Agreed. The entire premise is massively flawed. If people were doing this to Beyoncè I think this article would be vastly different.

Longer than I expected!

“Bullying” describes a situation in which powerful people intimidate a less powerful person about something that the person in question cannot control.

Wait — the new guy’s in charge now? The Cracked guy? The one who thinks he’s a postman in a postapocalyptic future? Bricken?

“That is your challenge, Rob. To reverse that perception”

Bring. Hard. Science. Reporting. Back. To. IO9.

Dear New Boss,

As long as you stay sassy, this should be fine. And maybe get some goddamn moderators for the comments section.

I love this site, Rob. It is my favorite site on the Internet and I visit almost daily.