
At the same time, X2 remains one of my favorite Comic Book movies, if only for how it teams up the previous villains with the protagonists.

After how comics accurate Deadpool was and how fun Civil War was I just can’t muster any enthusiasm for Bryan Singer’s take on the Xmen anymore.

Why was he anywhere aside from Cersie’s or the King’s side?

I mean, the Jon theory was pretty popular because GRRM laid some heavy foundation for it. There was no way GRRM was leaving Jon dead. It’s more the execution going forward that might vary.

Yep, they’re following the most popular fan theories beat by beat, absolutely no twists or surprises. Other than Ramsay, who continues to be a fucking cartoon.

Really happy the last two seasons are only going to be half as long. Guys, just go ahead and write-up the everything you find at the fan sites and be done with

I just read 5/6 stories and they are really, really good. It’s rare that I enjoy every story out of a magazine but so far I have here.

Comic book movies used to be thrown together mashups that no one took seriously because they didn’t have the budgets to look very good. Fantastic Four and Captain America in the 90s. Then Marvel came along and showed, hey, you can make beautiful comic book movies that look amazing, are entertaining, and make money. So

I’ve been to the Draft. It used to be comic-con for NFL fanatics. Now it’s a marketing opportunity to show how much the NFL supports our troops, how parents aren’t keeping their kids out of football for fear of catastrophic injury, and how their players aren’t wifebeaters and drug abusers—look at all of our “MEN OF

Yes I am aware of that, I’m also aware of what it’s like drilling in garbage, I’m an engineering geologist in a country where for about 200 years we built half our buildings on garbage.

Is his mother named Martha?

with everyone being fired, leaving this site, or being sued out of existence... somehow I thought the story might be about Gawker

The EPA has actively been trying to NOT do anything about this for years. They’ve actively been working AGAINST the community to try and have to not be responsible for this (Which they are, it’s a SuperFund site.). The only reason any real traction has started happening, is because the State of Missouri has started

Answered this for someone else downthread, but Varys.

The saving grace of Dorne in the books is that it has one of only two characters in the entire series with a long game. Even though the overall plot is one of the clunkiest overall, that’s what made it utterly fascinating.

Except not really? The Dornish plot in the books is actually interesting and is leading into events happening in the next book.

Though I’m not sure he should wear it, this take on his suit actually works for me. I never once (because it’s not drawn that way) considered Wolverine’s mask as a helmet, and a samurai helmet at that, now the wings make sense, they are blade deflectors.

If you’re complaining that you’ve been spoiled that Storm joins the X-Men, I’m revoking your geek card.

Deadpool got it right. That picture up there makes me think they should rename themselves “The Moody Blues”.

That’s still rub though. The authors of Red Son, of Injustice, of Kingdom Come, of any story where Superman is “off” and try and tell you “this is the correct version of Superman. This is how he SHOULD be. This is right.” The reason those stories work so well is readers inherently know it ISN’T right. It’s about