
I've said this before and I will repeat it often: Warren Ellis needs to write more. Give this guy the Inhumans movie script.

A lot of these exceptionally tenuous grasps at being related. Some are intentional for sure, a lot of them though, there doesn’t seem to be any other/better way to convey that moment then what is being presented on screen.

But in this one Ophelia is a life-draining bog zombie. And the decendants of Hamlet and company are a bunch of high schoolers in a very 90's WB series-esq horror movie mentality.

Ughh... if your version of Hamlet II doesn’t involve time travelling Jesus why even bother?

Wonder if they’ll adapt this old gem...

Why aren’t more people commenting about how hilarious it is that a human person said– “Even as the mighty Avengers break into Civil War, their affinity for best-in class, high performance and state of the art technology in their vehicles ties them together.”??

No, he pretty much hated the whole thing from the moment he read the script... But because he thought the script was an early draft with overly descriptive placeholder dialogue (when he was actually given the filming script) and because Lucas was a gushing fanboy of his, he decided to accept the job.
And to his credit,

Also, in the original, Obi-Wan lives...Lucas must have gotten cold feet about ripping it off too much...

Marcia Lucas did suggest that Obi-Wan die. Many people say she was the heart and soul of the original trilogy and one of the few people that kept Lucas’ ego and ideas in check.

Yes. A lot better. It ebbs and flows in the first season but it really hits its stride with Lawnmower Dog and Meeseeks and Destroy. It’s one of the all-time best Sci-Fi shows ever.

yes much better

I love the idea of an anthology format that jumps to different time periods. It would allow for more freedom in the stories, plus allow various series alum to appear, even if they only want a minor role.

This trailer alone had more Godzilla than the entirety of US Godzilla movie.

It’s a little off-putting. Like they tried too hard to make it its own thing.

So this seems to have more Godzilla then the 2014 US Godzilla movie did.

Just give Darcy her own Netflix show.

I could honestly care less about Jane Foster, but I have a feeling this also means no more Darcy Lewis, and THAT is a terrible loss.

I wouldn’t be opposed to just recasting her. It seems like she only did the last Thor movie because of contractual obligations, and it kind of showed in the final product.

Nah, I am working on a computer that had a plugin instead that changed instances of his name. It’s been fixed.