
.....I *really* want to believe that this was an editorial mistake when linking to the articles, and that kotaku didn't just decide that last year's best games for pc and mac would do just fine for this year too.

Wait. Ghost Trick over Phoenix Wright?!

Escapism is *one* purpose of film, but it was never the primary purpose of Star Trek.

....this is the best. This is just. The best.

I don't think it's offense so much as irritation; I rarely use twitter myself, but as many are attesting, it can be a pretty useful tool to a lot of people who want to use it in an intelligent way. Your original comment is dismissive of something that people find really useful, implies that they are dumb for using it,

Out of curiosity what SF elements are in City of God? I've only read the first few books and the last few :p

Dude, if you stopped at the end of the Inferno, you missed the best parts of the divine comedy.

Like the Victorian Values question I mean. They weren't asking anything spoilery there, they were asking "Why go towards this theme" and her answer was "Yes this episode certainly does take place in Victorian times, doesn't it? You should watch it."

thankfully, you dont have to follow the children and idiots, allowing anyone to enjoy the benefits, only experiencing the downsides rarely.

It is literally the worst show on television; I believe College Humor said "For those people who find Two and A Half Men too intelligent"

I'm not sure I'd give this one to Milton. Dante's Paradiso is based off of the astronomical system in place at the time, which was indeed scientific, and not theological (and Dante makes sure to point out that at no point should the reader be taking his stuff on the organization of heaven literally; rather the

Nah dude, Virgil invented fan fic when he wrote the sequel to the Iliad/Odyssey with the Aeneid. Then Dante came around and invented self-insert fanfic.

This is exactly the discussion we should be having. Thank you.

Your first rhetorical question sticks with me throughout the whole piece, ultimately weakening it as a whole. You imply that the power rangers made you, with serious intent, threaten to stab your mother. And then there are little things throughout that just seem to be there to pull heartstrings, or else is prose for

yeah that seems like the kind of thing the Powers That Be would demand.

She got married, had a kid, I'm not sure she'd be interested in coming back, which is incredibly unfortunate since Moffat had them keep her alive just for him.

....this felt very much like she didn't answer half the questions.

There's a difference between approval and a bunch of incompetent and selfish authority figures choosing to cover things up to avoid their own embarrassment. As the recent Legionarie scandal proved, things haven't been fixed yet, but all signs point towards the hierarchy *trying* to ensure that that debacle won't

Eastern Catholic clergy can marry. It's not doctrine that priests in the Roman rite can't get married any more than it was that the mass had to be said in Latin.

I really agree, if you're going to pick someone to represent Pete it should be someone whose entire life has been an example of courage and virtue.