
Someone pointed this out on Jezebel, and I think it's useful to reiterate here: when he is talking about "nature," he isn't making the biological argument that anti-gay marriage advocates often use; he's using the word in its scholastic era sense; more the kind of person we are called to be (this isn't really getting

Interesting. I wish the original article was accessible, rather than behind a pay-wall, so that we all could see if they had addressed this.

Oh, here's a question for the biologists: how frequently is bone material replaced in the human body? Is it conceivable at all that these individuals might have led ordinary lives, meat and all, for years before entering monasteries, and this is what is showing up? Given that it seems like it was a fad for quite a

And if anyone is interested in the topic at hand, the man has written THE text on eastern monasticism. Just search his name on amazon.

It's not actually in Dallas. It's a tiny liberal arts school in Irving, and is more commonly known as "that place with the huge bell tower."

#corrections it's Peter Hatlie. With a T. And he is the closest person to Indiana Jones I have ever met.

like a werewolf without fur

The OP does not actually want to turn Dark Souls into Halo. It is a joke, you see.

There's the zinger.

Francis unfortunately was pretty down on the whole doing-philosophy-thing. But a generation after him, the head of his order, Bonaventure came along around the same time Aquinas did, and he was pretty influential! ....but not noticeably different to the layperson than Aquinas given that they were both very much Of The

You are the first spam bot that I....have felt a tinge of love for.

it's useful in a discussion about gender issues to talk about how our society might treat the issue differently as regards to the different genders in question? "Worse" is a dumb way of talking about it but it doesn't make the point he's raising any less relevant.

I think there would still be motion blur, and the movements would all still look a lot more natural. I *think* what you're saying would just result in a 12 fps film, which I also think was pretty standard for old silent movies, and they don't really look like the people are being stop motion animated

Is this really ripped? It looks like the artist just used them as reference ala Greg Land?

A plea to my fellow commenters:


And also Chloe Bennett is Asian.

Plus, Doctor Nerdlove (whom I think has been featured here a few times? Or maybe vice versa) works for free.

Another +1 for you

The blacklist I think technically allows any screenplays for which no major production or pre-production work has begun by the end of 2012; so yeah, Johnny Depp seems to be involved, but nothing has been done with the project yet.