
WaPo is reporting that Roy “Kiddiefucker” Moore attempted to bribe one of his accuser’s lawyers to drop and disavow her in exchange for $10,000 and a meeting with Bannon.

It’s really tough to imagine a more incompetent person than Trump. His entire fucking brand is based on negotiating and dealmaking. Basically every chance he’d had to be a dealmaker he’s shown he’s terrible, but it looked for a while he might have stumbled onto something with DACA. Before September, no budget bill

That Idaho legislation is some sinister shit. “If any of her children have died”? The fuck is that about, if not a veiled threat that women seeking abortions will be investigated to determine if they’ve murdered their other children? Jesus.

Ben Carson’s days at the White House might be numbered. What incompetent man will replace him?

As of July 1, providers will be required to inform the state about a patient’s age, race, number of children, how many abortions she has had, and if any of her children have died.

If you had shown me a photo of John Bolton before today I would have guessed “high school math teacher from New Hampshire.”

I saw that, but I didn’t know he got banned for it! This is some straight-up horseshit.

Uh-oh! McMaster is out, Bolton in as Nat’l Security Advisor. This is bad. This is we’re going to war bad.

Hi, dears.

I’d give it good odds that Trump himself called the Post, just to brag about it.

Can’t wait for Enduring Freedom II: Electric Terrible Unnecessary Loss of Human Life.

Also what total dick throws his wife under the bus in front of the ENTIRE COUNTRY?! Bitch, even if that was her table, it came out of YOUR budget that YOU control because it is tied to YOUR government position. You own that.

He knows what Mueller knows. That’s why he quit.

Thank you. I love Joe, but these testosterone-fueled threats of fighting the known asshole make it about JOE and not about women. It’s egocentric, and I just wish guys would quit voicing their ridiculous “hero” dreams in these speeches—it undermines the message.

I read about them actually trying to prosecute someone pursuant to that “black identity extremist” nonsense decree within 24 hours of finding out Andrew McCabe had authorized a criminal investigation of Jefferson Beauregarde Sessions for repeated perjury during his Senate confirmation hearing, after we regular citizen

The legend of Florida Man lives on...