
I hear you, but: y’all. Y’all. Aggrieved White People is how we do things here in Mississippi. And you know, without me having to provide stats, that my state is last in everything good and first in everything horrible. These people sink, just like Mississippi, into a miasma of WTF and total irrelevance. They won’t

Hang in there. She’s not ahead. I know she’s now a spokesperson for the RNC, but that’s like advancing under Heinrich Himmler’s tutelage.

It makes me wonder about the thirst-level of her narcissism; for example, what if you had an Ivanka fan Instagram account but it had a really problematic account name, would she still follow it?

It may not be just you, but for me to see a resemblance of anyone to David Lynch, that person would have to have awesome wild hair that stuck out in surprising angles at any given moment.

Ooops. Sorry, I didn’t see your Diane pic when I posted mine downstream.

Hell YES Laura Dern can get any organization straightened out and banish tomfoolery of every type! She can shut Albert down; She texts with EvilCoop; She is a deputized member of the Blue Rose Task Force; She smokes in morgues; She can . . . what? that’s just a role she plays?

Hell YES Laura Dern can get any organization straightened out and banish tomfoolery of every type! She can shut Albert down; She texts with EvilCoop; She is a deputized member of the Blue Rose Task Force; She smokes in morgues; She can . . . what? that’s just a role she plays?

Hell YES Laura Dern can get any organization straightened out and banish tomfoolery of every type! She can shut Albert down; She texts with EvilCoop; She is a deputized member of the Blue Rose Task Force; She smokes in morgues; She can . . . what? that’s just a role she plays?

I thought this was the diary where the ink had ingredients that weren’t used in any available commercial inks from the time, and that’s how the diary was proven to be a complete fabrication.

Climate Exceptionalism

I honestly thought that had Trump lost the election, something like this (only on a yuuuge bigly gilded scale) was Trump’s post-election plan; form some kind of media company with Ailes, and spew about Killary’s deleted emails 24/7. Instead, the dog caught the car / And here the fuck we are.

I’m with you on the no AC being a non-starter, but here are my tinfoil hat reasons why they’re “making repairs to the HVAC system at the White House” (sheeple)

I bet Kid Rock can answer your question.  

Exactly. Trump himself is the one disclosing the location of nuclear subs (an actual piece of classified information); everyone else is just trying to out-Gretchen Wieners each other.

And: I would imagine that the rainbow-colored trails of the flyover jets will be used as See?! I used a Rainbow in a tweet! Nobody will do more for THE GAY than me!

I don’t think it can last. And it’s the irony behind most of the leaks— President addicted to creating palace intrigue and bear-baiting in his administration is shocked— SHOCKED!— when details of palace intrigue and bear-baiting leak to the press.

YES! You have described exactly what makes old ads so fascinating to me as well. A lot of bogus science, total misuse of authority figures and/or misuse of celebrities as authorities on products well outside of their orbit of celebrity, and incredible exaggerations of the importance of ordinary household products;

Great catch! I totally missed that!

Exactly. Has anyone seen any Rasputin-types around tonight? No? Checkmate!

Yes, I think they were trying to tone it down a little bit with the imagery at the bottom of the ad, but that top image was a LOT to overcome. I used to use this ad when talking about “Persuasion” in freshman comp. classes. I always thought print ads made good launching points for discussing how persuasion is used