
Ha-Haa! The article had been posted for like ten minutes, and I was getting all antsy, wondering where all the Bette pics/clips were. Thanks for sharing the whole gif, though; it’s hard to get the withering crestfallen soul-crush of the guy in the background without it.

Look these are the rules: Unless you happen to be Bette Davis or Elizabeth Taylor, you never get to say that line about any place, any time, anywhere: You, Trump, are no Bette Davis or Elizabeth Taylor (or Jack Kennedy, or Lloyd Bentsen, or for that matter, even Dan Quayle.)

Re: the archiving of his tweets. Shoving aside the preposterously optimistic idea that our country will somehow survive 45's presidency, I keep thinking that future history textbooks will gloss over the whole thing, and simply describe Trump’s tweets as “colorful” and “sometimes controversial.” I live in

This is so true. I thought that in general, the GOP had, over the Obama years, completely forgotten how to play on offense (FoxNews’ contributions to doing nothing but complaining and stoking hatred and fear duly noted). Trump is somehow even WORSE than his most ardent supporters at actually accomplishing anything;

Accurate AF.

Needs more stars. I’d award more stars, but I’m . . . choking . . . in the stranglehold . . . of . . . regulations on business . . .

First: Good for you, your dad, and your siblings.

For the record: Yes, his tweets are obnoxious, insane, indecipherable, all at the same time. But I hope he NEVER stops using social media; his tweets are the source of some of his most spectacular self-inflicted dick-punches.

I hear you. I was born and raised next door in MS, in a small town that was about 75% African-American, and the attitudes of most of the white people I grew up around were similar to what you describe, if not worse. (Note: I am OLD).

This is exactly what is driving me crazy about this story, about Sekulow, and about this shitty administration. Everything is a “characterization” or a “position” or “alternative facts.” Just, NO. Either 45 helped in some way draft the response for DT Jr., or he didn’t. It was Sekulow who went on all the networks

SO MUCH THIS! Sekulow went on every network, every available media outlet in the country, and kept saying this over and over and over, that Trump Sr. had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the drafting of DT Jr.’s statement, etc.

It’s obvious I can’t spell anyone’s name. Thank you for the correction. I’m encouraged you liked the book, I think I’d enjoy it, and I might even learn to spell some of the names correctly.

Are we supposed to believe Jared Kushner, White House MIME, opened his mouth and spoke? Was it charades? Pictionary?

Yes! sorry about the misspelling of his name. Thanks.

Once recent book review /interview I heard on NPR was on the book NeuroTribes by Steve Silberman. (*I am not looking to get flamed for mentioning this book; I have no idea of its reputation in the medical/scientific community and I realize that this book touches on Dr. Hans Asberger’s research on autism in Nazi-era

Great question, and I wish I had medical knowledge that would help (at least as to that angle). Related general idea, not specific to the diagnosis of girls vs. boys with autism— There have been a couple of books about the history of autism that talked about diagnostic parsimony in the past re autism, in part because

I agree that it basically only looked that way on the surface, but seriously, it felt like the Russian Roulette scene from The Deer Hunter. This has been an exhausting fucking week.

email links are upstream in this comments section.

Done and Done. Great idea, thank you for the links!

I did, too. I cannot figure him out on healthcare. It sounds like Graham’s “Trump Better NOT Fire Mueller” gland seems to be functioning, but who knows if it can keep functioning without a backbone?