
The impeachment method is very murky in its execution, particularly since the rule of law is not applied evenly to public elites. Good examples include the Bill Clinton perjury situation, as well as the blatant mishandling of classified matter by the George W. Bush administration elites and Clinton’s own private

I really despise this fearmongering tactic. The nonproliferation treaty, the departments of defense and energy, and the barriers regarding the use of WMDs form a massive risk mitigation strategy that has held for much scarier moments in history (Cuban missile crisis, Soviet MIRV development, etc.). Attempting to

This is definitely the perspective of many individuals I work with that moved away from the rust belt area. Particularly with nearly a decade long war on coal/gas/oil, many people felt the real and lasting impacts of massive recession and unemployment due to explicit targeting of these sectors.

U mad bro? Came here for the pain and misery entertainment, was not disappointed.

In general it is pretty silly to discount an entire sector due to an election. Even if some laws are changed or EPA rules are tinkered with, the fact still remains that there is a massive industry built around RCRA, TSCA, and the SWDA. That’s not going to change just because the presidential election didn’t go the way

It would be more accurate to say WMD proliferation at this point, since all CBRN fields are controlled by presidential and joint-chief priorities.

I’m still confused about how posting copyrighted information without permission is ok under fair use. Posting an entire copyrighted work to disagree with it is not fair use as fair use does not provide room for exact duplication in many cases. A great example of this can be seen in case law, as well as throughout the

Only austenitic stainless steel or actual silver utensils are acceptable! Accept no subsitutes!

Great article! Managing vulnerability and anxiety is a must, and is required even moreso online. Social toxicity is definitely proportional to population online, so managing oneself while repelling the urges to quit or become totally apathetic is quite a challenge.

Stories like this make me very anxious to always be armed while driving. I can’t imagine something more terrifying than someone punching and dragging me out of my car, while I am unable to stop them from doing so.

While this is likely to get lost in the noisier comments, it is important to note that anytime there are cross-linked accounts between multiple machines, that increases the (forgive the pun) exposure risk. Since it is known that HRC had classified data on her server, that server functions as an infected “host”, and if

I thought they were going to harvest the unborn and use their body heat for the energy source while keeping us all under the illusion that we’re living in 1999?

But that ding annoys the fuck out of everyone else in the area, so of course doing it 10,000x while waiting is a wonderful way to pass the time.

Most of the major problems we have in this country with radwaste is overregulation and total lack of political will to adhere to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. It’s literally so bad, that 10 CFR 961 had to be written to pay nuclear utility companies due to the US government ignoring the law.

The really cool shipments

To be fair, this sounds like she is expressing that the feminist ideologies signified below she had some level of agreement with, but progressive agendas in other arenas such as economic theory, taxation, and income inequality remedies, are typically distasteful to some “fiscal conservatives”. I would imagine it could

For anyone asking, the issue with controversial foods is supply chain management, and commingling. There are many situations and cases where various foods have been contaminated because the tools, conveyors, or packing systems (just to name a few) resulted in various E. Coli and Botulin toxin infections that you

Note also that in almost every case it is far more beneficial to shop around banks rather than work with dealer financing. I have yet to hear of a dealer beating a bank in a financing race to the bottom.

Now if there were only a way to publicly dispute the statistical conclusions eternally misrepresented in the media daily....

The Asus RT-AC66U was my favorite after my WRT54G quit. Decent stock firmware, easily modifiable, and not too difficult to perform various tasks.

The Asus RT-AC66U was my favorite after my WRT54G quit. Decent stock firmware, easily modifiable, and not too

I just want to know the number of people that mistake this for an actual Legend of Zelda movie with a title like that...