
The comment merely refers to the fact that an incident occurred in which two men acted in an intimidating fashion near a polling location. Your attempt to draw parallels between voter intimidation, poll watching, or NBPP presence is erroneous. Voter intimidation was determined not to be the case in the NBPP incident,

The OP listed voter suppression as a potential outcome of Trump poll watchers. The subsequent post identified that this was done during Obama’s election in which two weapon-bearing african american men were standing outside an election location.

I’m partial to subcutaneous trackers, I really want to nurture that paranoia early, ya know?

“Get used to it kids, I’m way more friendly than the FBI and NSA will be if you get caught searching the wrong words in the ‘real’ surveillance state!”
Somehow the truth just feels like it wouldn’t go over very well....

I’m still waiting on “Three easy steps to begin your own proletariat uprising”.

Drew, I definitely think the gun concept depends dramatically on where you live. When I lived in the city, people got them because they and/or their neighbors would routinely hear about nice neighborhoods being burgled, or various carjacking instances. When I lived in a more rural environment, firearms were hobbies

Out here it’s usually 0 to 10 in the last 2-3 months of the year, and -20 to -40 the first three months. Most people won’t really leave home without a parka, so typically you’re using that as your wind/snow/awfulness blocking layer and you wear what you want underneath. One big advantage of weather that cold is that

The team has to have something to draw attention to it, aside from how badly they’re playing this season.

I believe that Harry Reid in the most recent Dem controlled Senate declared that they would change the rules to only require 51 instead of 60. My understanding is that they did not have the 60 for many disagreeable appointments that Republicans did not like, and thus changed the rules to perform the confirmations with

Depending on the state of technology at the time, the process for women has many unintended consequences later on in life. Specifically, there are a nontrivial quantity of women who had sterilization, hysterectomies, and similar procedures done that are starting to see serious complications as they move into

I don’t remember all that well, but wasn’t “clean coal” supposed to be the suppression of coal emissions within certain rock formations?

I did not state that they did, merely asked if it impacted CAFE scores.

Many hybrid battery unit manufacturers have been recalling certain serial numbers due to high energy density batteries combusting unintentionally. I am not aware which of these were sent through Ferrari or any other individual vehicle, but it is a common recall issue to check the serials to see if they match the bad

“If Ferrari can make a hybrid that people will buy, so can GM. Maybe.”

Does it count against your CAFE score if your cars are prone to spontaneously combust?

RetroPie has been an enormous pain to configure, is recalbox easier on that? For an example, I have two N64 retro controllers. I try to use them to play an N64 game, but the configuration never stays consistent. If I configure P1, then P2 does not function. Between configuration and launch, often the keybindings are

For human experimentation historical perspectives, I recommend reading the Plutonium Files, and reviewing declassified DOD reports out of LANL and Hanford from the 40s and 50s, they get a lot more boring in the 60s, but still worth a read.

Note that 6'4"+ can’t really comfortably sit in a toyobaru, and definitely couldn’t safely shift. Depends on your proportions of course, but I’d be surprised if a 6'2" individual could handle driving one, they feel so tiny!

My understanding of the requirement was the propensity of the pill/shot/ring/etc. to cause cysts, tumors, and other unwanted masses in a non-trivial percentage of the population. Is this not the case?

You are woefully misinformed regarding the criminal justice process. Essentially, if there is a criminal act performed, the accused has a right to trial in accordance with the local/state/federal laws governing the accused act. Universities have some latitude to perform disciplinary actions, such as an appropriate

Probably not too common, but my greatest find ever was the higher end quality Ecco brand sneakers. If you work in a business casual environment that doesn’t require dress or steel-toed shoes (like mine for instance), I have not found anything that beats these in terms of comfort and relief of shoe-related back pain.
