
fucking coffee mugs, HOW DO THEY WORK??

@vsound: too bad, you were onto .. something

@tampadamon: it's a technology site, oil has been like the fount of technology for the last century or so

@Mr.Affrox: 180 would be everything directly in front of you and immediately to your sides ("periphery"), add another 10° to each of these to extend it slightly and yea, i think so.

"1/10 of half". what the hell? that's either a typo or a very odd way of saying either 5% or "1 out of 20."

why do they have to patent every single twitch they make?

@Sam Edwards: comparing things to nyc as a unit of measure is common for residents.

nice tie.. or whatever .. that is.. it's cool

@qbxk: nvm, just a trick of the light

i don't understand why that aquarium is blocking the stairs

me unlikey

@c_cornelp: just by the by that "other object" was "the earth"

@amazingmao: 4chan may be skilled and experienced in this regard, but i agree with the RoboticSpacePenguin, youtube and newspapers commenters have raw *talent.* You can't teach that.

"fffffffffuhh, you want us to blanket the campus ASAP?? What'd you say the kid had, a sama-whaa? Some kind of sword?! Damned crazy kids these days"

@Nihilexistentialist: no they posted it so we could all ridicule it. see: *scrolls up and down*

wow. if the internet is going to do this to movies now, i can't wait.