
@Nacaratus: yea, ok, i mean you're right, but at the same time there's been a lot of crap with big budgets that *didn't* need to be made. so i think it's a wash. those big budget awesome films would have still been made, but maybe they'd be even better, and wouldn't be drowned out by the rest

"how to destroy your phones batteries"

@CorporateRobot: i'm not sure i'd be surprised to learn that many

@Big-Tool: myspace is actually great for small bands, and they're all on there.

genius, and totally diyable

@gmckone: or +1 to this, a "party" hole puncher that will put in stars or some other odd shape, anything with corners adds to the effect, the more the better

@fredcadete: cheaper to polarize that add a useless second set of switches

oh! poprocks in icecream? genius!

for the record

@mkant: they could've been working at foxconn

who remembers the rainbow airplane from a couple months back? exact same thing, exact same reason

@tomsomething: chill man. jokes are supposed to be fun, casual.

@DWD: nope! been in the fridge bro. it's fine. cheers!

dude, you sure you want to drink that? it's been sitting out a few 100s of thousands of years

looks like young david byrne

neat idea, but why does the "generator" need to be part of the phone? or even attached to it? make, say, a copper belt with a wire that you can plug your phone into when it's in your pocket. all the electronics could be in the belt buckle, put the wire off to the side though, maybe moveable. bonus, acts like one of