
yea i connected my wii to the dishwasher by accident and i couldn't watch a thing. damned technologies, i hates them

smells fishy. i said this in a previous post.

hmmmm, maybe they're worried about something we haven't heard about yet, and they want to get everybody onto new contracts before we find out.....

you should share the logins with people who comment here. We'll promise to show up for future stories you write on the game, and comment on those too

i don't understand the first photo, it looks like a big poop smear

The "1st female model" (@ 0:19) is totally Felicia Day lololol

@valkilmerisawful: FTA: "The error went unnoticed for the next 18 months, until this August, when a stroke patient informed the hospital that he had begun losing his hair after a scan."

i think xkcd's from the other day was better. Also the lines on his were kind of squiggly which is nice.

@designguybrown: can it be decided by a flowchart? yes? => use the flowchart. no? => OMG WHAT DO I DO?!! END OF WORLDS!!!