
She using dafuq outta him. Regardless of his social BS, kinda feel sorry for the fool

I hear "shipping war" and all I think of is UPS vs Fedex

What ever happened to reporting news? This is just someone’s political opinions portrayed as fact with a comment section spewing their own opinions in some weird self gratifying way. I don’t lean either way as far as this article is concerned because I don’t care. I just want news, not opinions

This looks..... just like the “30% smaller" that was previously stated. Such a nonarticle

Say what you want but SF6 feels like Mortal Kombat to me, in a bad way. Way too slow and telegraphed. Fight me in USF4 or SFA3 or SF2 or ANY Guilty Gear all day, otherwise, y’all can keep your single button combos and jabs that have more flair than Starbucks barista

$15/hr is average pay for factories or less for fast food in my area of Alabama. Are these jobs remote? If so, I’d gladly take $15/hr to sit in my own comforts of home. If not, big deal. I’m not doing some kind of physical labor or dealing with the mental stress of a drivethru timer. To me, this sounds like a cake job


Porn=More money than Twitch is my hot take

Needs more MILLY! You expect me to get behind replacing the net-gun girl that actually effected the main storyline, had a backstory with a family at home and made a legacy with Wolfwood all to be switched out for ROBERT-(OH I can’t think of a name) DE NIRO? Animation gripes asise, screw you Pops.

I had a switch like 3 years ago, got bored and sold it cause the only thing it really had going for it at the time was Breath of the Wild and Odyssey. I got the itch to play some Mario Maker 2 about a month ago and decided to go buy an Animal Crossing switch. Realized my mistake and returned it the next day. Bought a

All I see is Dr.Disrespect all suited up and in a COD game. Surprised nobody else said it

If you’re gay, lez or whatever that’s cool. It’s on you. But why does the mantra “it’s ok to be gay” have to be forced into everything from children’s cartoons to video games to just daily life in general? This isn’t a statement bashing anyone’s life choices, it’s a statement bashing the agenda being forced on people.

She has a decent sized Twitch and YouTube following but uses this opportunity to scam fools with a GoFundMe. If they can go spends "thousands" as soon as their stuff got confiscated, they don't need the money and the need to be reported on GoFundMe. My 2 cents


Wow, what a disappointing look. Starfield seems like more Fallout 4.... in space. Oh, but wait! You can build a spaceship too! Whoopee! not

Maybe we’ll get something like Alpha 3's World Tour mode that allows you to equip stuff and maximize the individuals play style. Or maybe the double battle should make a comeback. Two players fighting an overpowered cpu was always fun

Id start with a nice honey glaze then roll it around in brown sugar, roast for a while to caramelize, and enjoy with a nice sized portion of scrambled eggs and a biscuit on the side. All while I sit by the fireside, watching Misty, Ash and Pikachu dig into “a little something special I whipped up.”

Yeah the race thing is obviously click-baity. Me and a whole lot of folks be smh about it

Sounds like somebody slipped in a BTC miner into a ps5 demo

I feel sorry for the weak minded individuals that fear the police like they'll kill you on site.or some shit