
This is exactly the kind of article that justifies sitting on your ass in front of a computer all day and happily watching yourself atrophy.

Gizmodo - you are at least doing the right thing and making us all aware of the bullshit that goes on out there. I for one did not hear of this news nor would have have the time to look in to it. Thanks!

Didn't Google change their privacy policy in March? Basically saying that they will examine all of your google based activity to produce a better advertising experience? Do I really want Google reading my Google Drive docs? Correct me where I am wrong.

Really? I never realized that it was like that in US Schools. I grew up in Canada. Don't really remember getting Pro-Canada jammed down our throats. I do remember blaming the US for the Acid Rain caused by the pollution generated in Michigan. I guess its from my perspective that I feel that education can help solve a

The tree probably bended as the jet flew thru it.

Imagine using that money for education. Want to invest in our country's future? Invest in education.

So get this - I talked to two different Apple stores and the plan is to have all of the iPad customers wait in line outside the store. Sounds like normal launch protocol. But why are they NOT making two lines: 1 for the preorders and 1 for the people that want to just walk in and purchase their iPad that day. I am

Yes, I know this is a tool question but I forget. March 7 is supposed to be the unveiling of the iPad 3. How long after that date are they usually available for purchase?

It depends on your daily activities and how mobile of life you lead. I work in sales and am on the road all day long. My ipad is indispensable. Plus I have two toddlers. Ever tried taking a toddler out to a restaurant? When my girls are hyper or not in to eating, I bust out the iPad. That thing is kryptonite!

I got a couple of textbooks on my iPad. Trouble is, when the instructor says, look on page 35, you get a different page on the iPad. Or am I just a dumbass and haven't figured out how to fix this?

Doesn't flagship mean top of the line? Does this make sense: "BMW leaked specs on its flagship model - the 528i". Nikon's Flagship camera is the D3X @ just under $8k.

Nice! He rides through a red light at 1:27

I purchased the NIKE+ GPS watch a few months ago when it first came out. Love it. Simple, accurate. Look into it.

I am reading all of these comments about Clear and I kinda wish I had done more research before I signed up. Yes, total P.O.S. I did a speed test while on 4G. Barely faster than the hot spot connection on my iPhone. And when I was in 3G - forget it. Both ATT and Verizon data speeds are faster.

Agreed, hopefully it will replace that POS Navigation system that they OEM out to Fujitsu-10. The navigation blows. I used to think BMW GUI was outdated then I bought the swagger wagon with the navi. That alone was almost enough to get me to switch to a honda.

I would have to agree with Jon.

So how long before the board is stolen while the guy is surfing?

@cubist_zirconia: i know its on a 3g network. there is no true 4g network in america if I recall. In asia and europe there is.

@cubist_zirconia: really? thanks for running spellcheck for me on a blog.

@nerdstrap: I am not as emotionally connected to the iPhone as everyone else is. I just have a lot of $$ invested in the apps and itunes. The GUI seems to feel more intuitive to me than the android based phones. I don't have time to tweak my hardware like I did when I was in college. I just want something that works.