
are vaporizables covered by the Gawker budget for reporters?

wow they have Indian Casinos in Kazakhstan now?

Quick Someone let out Al Gore again!

Finally my purchase of Rosetta Stone Na'vi won't go to waste!!!

I bet that would have been a huge hit in the Tokyo vending machines

Gutter does not approve.

same excuse Peeping Toms give to the women they stalk. Its for your protection

One of my favorite things about vacationing in Europe is hotels with bidets.

if it had self-awarness it would know by orders of Lord Jobs to automatically shut down and destroy itself

Ok who is up for project mayhem?Lets roll it down the Magnificent Mile tonight

How about someone with bug eyes?

According to Reverse Hash Calculator it means: Sorry, no solution found.

They really do have a lot of money. ok i have a bottle of vodka and all night to come up with a company that I can sell to Google. who wants to join?

Now if someone can invent an incandescent light bulb that can be screwed in going either direction you would solve even more daily riddles.

I would hate to be the guy whose job is to design those positive and negative diagrams.