
why the design difference?

@FiskFisk33: so was LED flash for cellphones. :-)

will they allow iPhone 4s in jails for those absentee Dads? It also would help with virtual conjugal visits.

I would love to spy on her!

Were these two people familiar with the plans kidnapped after being found lost and past out drunk at a certain German pub and then tortured in a dark basement until they gave up the details?

$10/Hulu $10/Netflix, $80/MLB.tv yup still not replacing Cable

Does that mean Hulu is leaving Flash based video streaming?

This is very funny. I love the hieroglyphics.

hope its better than their first release

Man I wish T-Mobile will start releasing better phones, I've stuck with them because of their customer service and the fact I can use it when I travel abroad. Does anyone know if Verizon is planning on releasing any new World phones or are they just waiting to release LTE which if I understand correctly it should be

Don't worry its not your fault, our eyes are just looking wrong

didn't some students from MIT do this a year or two ago. its still really cool

@TomXP411: now i have to see if Netflix has it streaming

@Kaiser-Machead: maybe he was referring to dieing of old age while waiting for him write something more specific with what he meant.

This kid didn't need all the items on that check list.

Can't wait to see people watching Golf in 3D