great now all Jobs has to do is get Mobile Safari to block all domains ending in .xxx
great now all Jobs has to do is get Mobile Safari to block all domains ending in .xxx
I wish this guy was the one that mugger tried to go after at the iPhone line. Would have been a much different turn of events. :-)
Didn't that $50 BN gift card expire when the recently lowered the price of the Nook?
You think thats bad, I've heard horrible stories from people that work inside the FedEx and UPS warehouses. A little hint, never right Fragile on a package. Those packages get special attention, but not the attention you want.
Now I wonder what will happen to a pilot flying over head during a bright sunny day at high noon.
I believe Steve Jobs response will be something like "we could have done it a long time ago like everyone else, but we wanted to do it right!" "We weren't the first with a smart phone but we we the first with one that works well, we weren't the first with multitasking, but we were the first to do it right." etc etc…
@GitEmDoneSteveDave: thank God long distance charges don't apply to cell phones within the U.S.
Plus its Free 2day shipping. So how much does it really cost Kindle to manufacture these? Have they done a component cost breakdown of this yet?
ok finally tempted to get a Kindle, they just lowered the price to $189...
Warning to Giz readers. If you wish to keep your fantasy about the robot nurses do not click the BBC link as you will be very disappointed.
@HeroOfTomorrow: and with the new Photoshop Content-Aware Fill it makes all 4 of them pointless
Did they drop a Google Street View car from the plane first?
doesn't matter the method I just know I would hold going to the bathroom (#2) for days before my execution. have fun with the clean up!