who's ralph
who's ralph
after seeing this game on PC for so long, xbox's postprocess effects are surprisingly underwhelming.
Chris isn't the type to file a law suit... I forget who created Keyboard Cat though.
most attractive video game character of all time.
It's actually an update to Source Engine as a whole, not just TF2.
You guys really need to advertise this tag more often. Thank you so much for showing me this.
i love you <3
"Kotaku East" isn't an excuse to ignore what the blog is about and post about anime and korean models.
i know, and it confused me for years.
and you sir are blind! i'm serious, i hate going to kotaku to find non-game articles everywhere.
that's kind of a poor excuse to post an article based on the anime specifically, and nothing to do with the game.
hi hello, kotaku is generally american/english due to the language used, the editors primary language, and the people who browse it. you can't get any more "western" than that dimwit.
yo i'm a pc gamer and i think suggesting people to "buy a pc this gen" is the most retarded thing ever.
No, I've been going to Kotaku since 2009. I still don't understand why Kotaku aka "The Gamer's Guide" publishes articles that have nothing to do with video games.
what does this have to do with video games
details on 3DS smash bros? majora's mask?
i hope so
does anyone know how to filter kotaku articles by author? i don't particularly like non-video game articles and bashcraft loves to write non-video game articles.
you're not exactly following this conversation very closely are you