
I was thinking the exact same thing.

Well, you can disable noscript on Kotaku first of all. You ain't gettin a virus here.

I don't see how the OPTION of using Kinect in a game "ruins" it.

I thought the worst part of the trailer was from 0:03-0:08.

Good thing the hardware isn't final.

Can we please delete the word "gimmick" from the face of the planet?

I can see this being okay with only a few advertisers looking for one or two people to fill positions. But on a larger scale?

To enhance the experience? I'm guessing you're one of those people that think remakes or sequels are "rehashes"...

Which game are you referring to?


I think I saw diagonal walking and better facial animations!

Link's voice actor?

I was really impressed by the almost drawing tablet like fidelity in #4.

I call it "The Hype Train".

Whoops, Gawker accidentally published this to Kotaku instead of Gizmodo. #accidents

Just because it has many RPG elements doesn't mean it's any less of an FPS.

I couldn't afford the vacuum that can hold that many hours.

A LBP clone?

cowmilk9 knows what he's talking about. 3DS and PSP2 are far better platforms for Minecraft Pocket than an Android phone. The only real benefit I see for putting it on an Android phone is saving to "the cloud", but I'm not even sure they're going to do that.