

Wow, give that SDK to Bethesda now please.

It "just started" 5.5 years ago.

So... it's good?

I can totally see this being real in one way or another.

Maybe it was his raging BRONER

Ebert can go climb a wall of dicks.

I don't care if this looks ridiculous, I WANT ONE

Doom 3 is 100% accurate.

"Die PC gaming. Die."

sorry if i sound dumb, but is that eSATA on the front?

Gradius meets Bangai-O? DO WANT

"Ok, you win! - $2,000.04"

I know this may sound retarded, but why not try instead of building a game for one platform then downscaling it or upscaling it for others, try actually tailoring each platform's build to the platform?

Do not look at the operational end of the device.

You know what I'd like to see?

Wow autoaim out the wazoo.

This is good if you want a quick Minecraft fix without too much effort put into playing the game.

Your name seems oddly familiar, were you on TV?

Don't spread shit around.