
While I agree with keeping fetishes to yourself (in public at least), there's no harm in bringing it up in conversation if it isn't non sequitur.

I find the lack of Master Sword disturbing.


Anyone know what kind of power input these take? (cord type, not wattage)

i don't like the font used at the bottom :\

+1 respect

What exactly does "(sic)" mean?

Same... Like the "Builders League United" eventually turned into Aperture Science and "Reliable Excavation Demolition" eventually became Black Mesa. Something like that.

Some people just need to not state their opinion on some things.

I have lost faith in Square Enix.

I would love to see this on consoles and on Steam. But I don't see it being on Xbox seeing as how "updates" means "paid DLC" in Microsoftese (take TF2 for example). I think they're gonna wait until the game is actually done before considering putting it on Steam or or PS3/Wii.

I had fun correcting people.

I wonder when Notch will add AA support.


Wait a minute. So you're saying I'm not here?

Your opinions reek of bias.

The phrase "5 years later than the competition" doesn't make any sense. 8th generation consoles are just starting to be rumored and only 2 have been released, one of which is a Nintendo console.

I find this funny because uberchristians should know that some people were killed for being left handed back in the middle ages.

"Gangsta" != gang related

This is an outrage.