I always brownbagged it when I was a kid. It wasn't sushi and a fresh green salad but it was reasonable.
I always brownbagged it when I was a kid. It wasn't sushi and a fresh green salad but it was reasonable.
Why toast?
I was a core player. World top 100 kind of thing, by the end of WOTLK, and yeah I left, though I didn't want to. Game just got bad.
Except EDI was in my control ending. I had 6500+ readiness and played all three of the artificial choices presented to me, then played it some more.
That's fair enough. Too bad it's not PC so I could pick it up on a Steam Sale. And weird that you replied to me while I'm home on my lunch break.
I'm not anti-Bioware forever; I'm not the kind of person who will hold a grudge against a gaming company. They could turn it around. I guess I shouldn't use the term "ever again", and rather phrase it as "not until they've turned it around, consistently".
Except the terrible cutscenes after you make your "choice" are vague, don't support what you're saying, have nothing to do with the rest of the game prior to the choices, and are all nearly identical.
I think it's cute how you're just completely dismissing the actual problem people have with the ending, and instead are projecting that everyone who doesn't like them are dudebros with the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old.
Seems like every time a company comes along that is like this, they become fantastically popular, then they sell out to a huge publisher who is, well, a huge publisher.
I can see the reasoning behind your arguments but I disagree with them.
Ha, you say that now. Wait another 3-5years when they don't sit at your feet or on your lap, they grab your controller and try to push you out of the way.
Hm, on the one hand, yes, that would be nice. I don't care for Bethesda RPGs' style, so the Skyrim coverage sorta bored me.
Man, I was totally planning on not spending money on the downpour. But second best in the series is a pretty solid endorsement.
You're reading a TON into the endings though.
I honestly would have preferred him not to finish DT. The first three are some of the best fantasy ever written. When he came back to it, it got weird, then it got self-indulgent, then it got stupid.
I'm not demanding my money back or anything, I'm saying the good parts of the game were significantly diminished by the bad ending, and because of that I won't be buying Bioware games prior to steep discounting, if at all. I can write off DA2 as a fluke, but when both their big RPG franchises severely disappoint me,…
After this massive journey, the resolution to the bad guy was a cop-out, the "real ending"(i.e. the first ending that was followed by blank pages) was dissatisfying and the ending ending was lazy.
I'm not sure if you intended to reply to me, but if you did, wut? I'm not talking about selling my copies, I'm talking about buying a new Bioware game in the future.
Sorry, I misinterpreted "been a lot easier" as you wanting that :P
Eh I dunno about that. I hated the Mass Effect ending - like really hated it, to the point where if it's not "fixed" by DLC I won't be buying Bioware games outside of steep discounts ever again, just so I don't get disappointed like that. I'm almost as angry about it as I was about the ending to the Dark Tower.